- 0
Scrimmage no longer supports C++14
#592 opened by dmagree - 4
Enable concatenation of mission files
#581 opened by dmagree - 0
error while running a scrimmage mission
#583 opened by Sam2621 - 4
I'm having issues with $make when building SCRIMMAGE
#580 opened by Emelles - 2
How to display the simulation in my host while I run the docker image named "syllogismrxs/scrimmage:latest"
#535 opened by LiuQiangOpenMind - 1
- 0
- 0
#557 opened by tm132 - 0
- 0
Frames.bin loses last few frames occasionally
#548 opened by tm132 - 3
- 3
GUI won't pop up
#451 opened by johndlok - 1
Python "pkg-resources" moved to "setuptools"; remove line from python/requirements-*.txt
#532 opened by tm132 - 6
- 0
Add <output_dir_trailer/> tag to mission file / parse
#542 opened by tm132 - 0
Custom Built Binary Dependencies
#540 opened by paaraujo - 1
A problem about OpenAI!
#534 opened by hychong1997 - 1
- 3
env default python should be standard, not 2.7
#440 opened by tm132 - 0
- 3
test_openai is failed at "Build and Run Tests "
#481 opened by kkz003 - 1
Update PyYAML version for CVE-2020-14343
#509 opened by salderma - 0
Update Python Sphinx for CVE-2020-11023
#510 opened by salderma - 0
Update CI due to Travis CI Pricing Model Changes
#512 opened by frazierbaker - 6
- 0
- 1
AirSimSensor: ROSAirSim Plugin not found
#498 opened by nrakoski3 - 4
- 1
- 1
- 3
Failed to open autonomy plugin: ROSAirSim
#482 opened by chao8038 - 5
Failed source update
#483 opened by Pravin854 - 1
Camera Rotation Lock
#490 opened by stoplime - 1
Pause on spacebar
#487 opened by stoplime - 1
Drawing on 2D HUD
#488 opened by stoplime - 2
Terrain Lighting Glitch
#489 opened by stoplime - 1
Saved Camera Orientations
#491 opened by stoplime - 2
Optimize Drawing Speed
#492 opened by stoplime - 1
Real-Time User Input Library
#493 opened by stoplime - 1
Window Params on Startup
#494 opened by stoplime - 0
Metrics output_type
#495 opened by stoplime - 1
Tutorial for Multiple Runs fails because has a hard coded path
#425 opened by tm132 - 1
Tutorial for Multiple Runs generates a warning
#426 opened by tm132 - 2
Request an option to format CSV output.
#475 opened by goehle - 0
- 2
- 0
I fail to get the sources update.
#462 opened by taoquanyus - 2
- 2
Spawning entities at runtime bug
#434 opened by TheDash - 0