
E03 is not setting to Operational state

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Hi, I'm doing research in control using the elfin e03 and when I attempt to run:

roslaunch elfin3_moveit_config moveit_planning_execution.launch

When trying to connect to a physical robot, I get this output:

Initializing etherCAT master
SOEM found and configured 4 slaves
SOEM IOMap size: 458
OPERATIONAL state not set, exiting
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'elfin_ethercat_driver::EtherCatError'
    what():  Could not initialize SOEM

I've connected the LAN cable directly to my computer and have followed all the steps. It seems to be struggling on the 4th slave, but I am unsure where it is coming from. I also have the ethercat END 6th axis. If there is any ideas on how to aid or where I may have missed something, I would really appreciate it!

I discovered I was using the wrong sixth axis and switched to the melodic_ethercat branch and it solved the issue.