[NeurIPS 2024] Official code of ”LION: Linear Group RNN for 3D Object Detection in Point Clouds“
- 3boboNortheastern University
- 94happyWu Han
- Adlith
- AlmoonYslHuazhong University of Science and Technology
- changewt
- Coincidance-Levi
- deepinact
- DJT-hust
- dodeakim
- eriche2016HUST
- FantasticPornTaiQiangTerra
- FantasticPsq
- fjhzhixiBeihang University
- GitHubCuiQian
- happinesslzHuazhong University of Science and Technology
- hszhaoThe University of Hong Kong
- JarrentWu1031Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST))
- JianfeiJUSTB
- KkkwuiHuazhong University of Science & Technology
- luohuiwuChengdu, Sichuang, China.
- Mind-sHUST
- Mr-Fu620HUST university
- PigLogic-Cyber
- RyanMing94
- sankin97ECNU
- Sylva-LinGuangdong University of Technology
- TangYuan96
- TmacTmac1992
- violetyamazakura
- Whale-iceFDU
- XiwuChenHuazhong University of Science and Technology
- Xuanyaiiii
- yangxiao4810
- yhc2021
- zorgish
- ZplusdragonHuazhong University of Science and Technology