
PlantSeg latest version, having issue with using CUDA from GUI.

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I installed Plantseg using "mamba create -n plant-seg -c pytorch -c nvidia -c conda-forge -c lcerrone plantseg pytorch-cuda=11.7 cudatoolkit". My cuda version is 11.7. I still have this issue that plantSeg is using CPU, not cuda. This happened after several reinstallations as well.

cuda 11 7

Hi Athul, yes I had the same issue. Try the new installation command, it should work

mamba create -n plant-seg -c pytorch -c nvidia -c conda-forge -c lcerrone pytorch pytorch-cuda=11.8 pyqt plantseg

i should replace 11.8 by 11.7 in my case right?

No, 11.8 should work just fine for you. The version is taken from the official Pytorch install guide; between 11.7 and 11.8, there are small differences, but what we use in the plants does not matter.

Great. Its finally working fine. Thanks a lot.