A tool for cell instance aware segmentation in densely packed 3D volumetric images
- alxndrkalininBroad Institute of MIT and Harvard
- AntonotnaWangThe University of Hong Kong
- axruffKIT
- boykovdn
- bruvelluDresden, Germany
- dchan-dfr
- EceOzen
- edosedgarBinghamton University
- fly51flyPRIS
- ggsonic
- gtdong-ustc
- Guohao-Yu
- hksonnganSeoul, South Korea
- idealwei
- lcttcl
- leoburgy@schweizerischebundesbahnen
- lishuai800
- memoryleine
- NilaiVemulaTennessee
- pcarstens
- pr4deeprWalter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research
- r0f1Vienna, Austria
- rosscarter3Sainsbury Laboratory, Cambridge University
- shuike520
- sommercInstitute of Science and Technology Austria
- sourabh-bhideCopenhagen, Denmark
- tacalvinPhD Candidate @ VCG @ UCR
- tinevezInstitut Pasteur
- totti0223nagoya university
- trasseBad Nauheim
- tsh11naNagoya University
- VolkerH
- WhoIsJackUniversity College London
- wolnyBayer
- ys1215China Agriculture University
- Zoufu1122