A singleton pattern implementation for Unity3d. Based on ScriptableObjects instead of the conventional MonoBehaviour approach.
- agarcialeonLogroño (La Rioja)
- AllFatherGray
- arran-nz@Smitner-Studio
- bernardinusIndonesia, Jakarta
- cr4yzUSA
- crazyshaderWuhan,China
- Difficulty-in-naming
- eriseven
- gabstvPedido Pago
- haim96
- hasanbayatme@BayatGames
- hayes87
- hemingfei
- heyJordanParkerParker Labs
- iamtommoIndie Developer
- JaredYeDHChina
- JPBotelhoJPBotelho
- kichul11221122
- KShaibaniSaudi arabia - Dhahran
- li5414makegames4fun
- local306
- majorikaKorea
- o2co2MOTSE
- paulogodinhoaq
- poettlrAustria
- PolygensBelgium
- r2d2m
- Rezonanzo
- shanepadgettathenahealth
- sponticelliMilan, Italy
- st4rdogEdinburgh
- takaaptech
- teebarjunkunderground
- unitycoderElomatic Oy
- whathandManaOrb
- zulfajuniadiPahang Go Sdn Bhd