I am an experienced software and hardware designer in the Moscow area, and have worked in the game industry for the last 20 years.
hww's Following
- arichelGermany
- BradWBeerUSA
- bryanperris@GeiselSoftware
- cartographer-project
- CharlesFeng207
- cliffordwolfVienna
- daveshah1
- daviwil@microsoft
- edicl
- hanshuebnerBerlin
- HeliumProjectLos Angeles, CA
- jintiao
- kgugalaAntmicro
- killophappy-elements(乐元素)
- leonardobettiolo
- michaelballantyne@nuprl
- mithro@timvideos
- nhabediHamburg University of Applied Sciences
- nocturnalCalifornia, USA
- ntcaston
- OpenActuatorSouth Korea
- pms67Germany
- quabugChengdu, China
- rajasegarChennai, India
- rdolbeauSiPearl
- renaudhelias
- robert-strandh
- RobertBaruchMountain View, CA
- ros-noetic-archaur.archlinux.org
- s-expressionists
- Shinmera@Shirakumo
- SonyWWS
- sorgelig
- tsoding
- xahlee
- yasirkulaIndie Developer