Accurate and rapid RiboRNA sequences Detector based on deep learning
Pinned issues
- 13
- 3
error after 14 hours of processing
#54 opened by tulikasriv26 - 2
- 1
- 2
RiboDetector for barcoded libraries
#51 opened by mckellardw - 2
Mouse data compatibility
#50 opened by mmiots9 - 6
- 3
Classification of the rRNA removed seqeunces
#45 opened by LeoVincenzi - 5
Address already in use
#46 opened by lucacozzuto - 0
fix the issue caused by less random default socket addresses for multiprocessing.Manager()
#47 opened by dawnmy - 1
Read Length question
#48 opened by singhbhavya - 18
- 3
Tuple range error
#44 opened by mwylerCH - 2
- 9
RuntimeError: indices should be either on cpu or on the same device as the indexed tensor (cpu)
#40 opened by caldodge - 1
ValueError:you are required to explicitly set the providers parameter when instantiating InferenceSession
#42 opened by Abelcanc3rhack3r - 0
- 1
[ERROR] Unable to run ribodetector on a remote server: No visible CUDA devices!
#36 opened by jwilliams648 - 4
- 2
The proportion of ribosome reads calculated by ribodetector is not equal to the proportion of ribosome protein count in ReadsPerGene.out.tab generated by STAR
#39 opened by li1311139481 - 2
Retrive the filtered out sequences
#38 opened by LeoVincenzi - 4
ribodetector_cpu hangs with SLURM
#31 opened by gianfilippo - 4
RiboDetector is not working on GPU mode
#34 opened by Nirmal2310 - 2
Please use detect_cpu.py to run it on CPU if you do not have GPU or you need to install GPU version of PyTorch
#32 opened by Rohit-Satyam - 2
- 13
ribodetector_cpu classifies and outputs more reads in the end than there were in the input data to begin with
#29 opened by erzakiev - 1
Which organism?
#28 opened by Homap - 2
- 3
Chunk size question
#27 opened by caity-s - 1
gzip is very slow
#26 opened by alienzj - 2
#25 opened by deoliveira86 - 3
docker image for 0.2.6
#22 opened by NicoleGruenheit - 4
question regarding confidence of -e norrna option
#23 opened by caity-s - 6
CPU mode hangs with macOS
#18 opened by omicz - 2
Using RiboDetector on assembled contigs?
#24 opened by natashagriffin - 1
Add model eval?
#14 opened by dawnmy - 4
- 6
False postivies when using on metagenomic data?
#21 opened by rezenman - 4
cpu vs. gpu performance
#17 opened by ARW-UBT - 2
About read length
#20 opened by gouwei1 - 1
- 6
Installation error in conda environemnt
#15 opened by ARW-UBT - 7
Memory Calculation Doubts
#12 opened by magcurly - 23
Memory issues with RiboDetector
#9 opened by akrinos - 2
Add chunk size support for loading the sequences to reduce memory use for large files
#10 opened by dawnmy - 3
- 23
Process hangs in CPU detection step
#6 opened by sjaenick - 12
- 0
- 2
Lost reads?
#7 opened by sjaenick