- asetsuna
- BENMFeng
- bryanyzhuAmazon AI
- bygreencnChina
- charlotte0829
- chenchr
- chinakook
- cvfishLondon
- Danee-wawawa
- ducha-aikiCzech Technical University in Prague
- eric-xwUniversity of California, Santa Cruz
- fastlater
- Fromandto
- ggsonic
- gmayday1997South China University of Technology
- guanyingcCUHK-Shenzhen
- he0x
- hobbyjobs
- imelekhovAalto University
- InnovArulIndian Institute of Technology Madras
- jmargetaKardioMe
- kensakuradaTokyo, Japan
- nnop
- ruotianluoWaymo
- saicoco
- SeekPoint
- sergeywongSensetime
- utkarsh-VRL
- uzefulTsinghua University
- WarBeanShenzhen, China
- yassersouriMicrosoft
- YukiNagatoSuzhou, China
- zfchenUniqueThe University of Hong Kong
- zlaskarHelsinki, Finland
- zx007zlsTsinghua University