
error about clinCNV.R :

kaqisekuzi opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi @GermanDemidov @marc-sturm @bondarevts @jakobmatthes @Fohlen

 I got a problem , when I run clincnv.R . 
Do you have any suggestions for a solution?

`$Rscript $ClinCNV/clinCNV.R  \
    --bed $prepare/gcAnnotated.preparedBedHg38.bin50000.bed \
    --normal $prepare/merge_result/merge_S17.cov \
    --folderWithScript $ClinCNV \
    --scoreG 50 \
    --numberOfThreads 10 \
    --out $result/clincnv_prepare_result

There is error message:[1] "We run script located in folder /hwfssz1/CS_CELL/cs_cell/marui1/software/ClinCNV . Please, specify ABSOLUTE paths, relative paths do not work for every machine. If everything crashes, please, check the correctness of this path first."
[1] "START cluster allocation."
[1] "Cluster allocated."
[1] "END cluster allocation."
[1] "We are started with reading the coverage files and bed files 2023-03-23 11:33:33"
[1] "Started basic quality filtering. 2023-03-23 11:33:35"
[1] "Amount of regions after filtering of 0-covered regions 98.565"
[1] "Coordinates in BED file are outside of the cytobands! Please check if your cytobands file matches your reference genome version!"


I guess you forgot the --hg38 flag?

Yes ! You are right!!
Thank you very much!

Please stop tagging people with their names under content that is potentially irrelevant for them. This is considered extremely rude. After all, a number of contributors do this in their free time, and are not here as your support team. If that's what you're after, pay people for premium support (/rant)