
Simulation source code and examples for applying machine learning on Sawyer Robot

Primary LanguagePython


This repository contains the simulation source codes and examples for applying machine learning algorithms on Sawyer Robot in Gazebo simulation environment.

Dependencies & Packages:

Setting up the package:

Clone the repository into the sawyer file(with the previously installed sawyer simulator and sdk's) and then cd to catkin_ws directory

$ cd catkin_ws
$ catkin_make

How to access the files in the package:

Terminal 1: To launch the Sawyer robot in Gazebo environment

$ roslaunch sawyer_gazebo_env sawyer_gazebo_env.launch

Terminal 2: To launch the task specific environment (eg, reaching task)

$ roslaunch sawyer_demonstration sawyer_demonstration.launch \task:=reaching controller:=falcon

Note: For different task environment(say, peg in hole) set task:= peginhole and a different controller set controller:=joystick