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- Thanks
postfinance/kubenurse - Kubernetes network monitoring
gofri/go-github-ratelimit - A GoLang HTTP RoundTripper that handles GitHub API secondary rate limits
eryajf/yaml-readme - A helper to generate the READE file automatically from YAML-based metadata files.
itaysk/kubectl-neat - Clean up Kubernetes yaml and json output to make it readable
silenceshell/topic - top in container.
airwallex/k8s-pod-restart-info-collector - Automated troubleshooting of Kubernetes Pods issues. Collect K8s pod restart reasons, logs, and events automatically.
xiaodingding/iotfast - 物联网管理平台
team-ide/teamide - Team IDE 工具 集成MySql、Oracle、金仓、达梦、神通等数据库、SSH、FTP、Redis、Zookeeper、Kafka、Elasticsearch等管理工具
ssbeatty/oms - go 运维平台,实现了隧道,命令分发,文件上传,webSSH
alibaba/kt-connect - A toolkit for Integrating with your kubernetes dev environment more efficiently
lifei6671/interview-go - golang面试题集合
huichen/wukong - 高度可定制的全文搜索引擎
huichen/kunlun - 昆仑:超快的代码搜索引擎
cosmtrek/air - ☁️ Live reload for Go apps
wandercn/hotbuild - a cross platform hot compilation tool for golang
chenmingyong0423/go-mongox - go-mongox: A Go MongoDB framework with streamlined document operations and efficient BSON data construction using generics. Enhance your Go MongoDB development with simplicity and performance.
huanglishi/GoFlyAdmin - Go后台开发框架是GoFly全栈开发社区旗下永久开源可商用框架,也是Go语言好用web开发框架,能快速搭建应用,框架底层完善,框架插件逐步完善。api文档管理并一键生成api接口代码,一键生成 CRUD前后端代码, GoFly快速开发框架是一款基于Go语言的 Gin和 Vue3的Arco Design的快速后台开发框架,基于JWT接口验证和Auth验证的权限管理系统,附件管理系统,天生支持saas架构。大道至简,开发本应简单,为热爱Go开发者服务,社区初心是让开发者用得舒服。
muesli/duf - Disk Usage/Free Utility - a better 'df' alternative
VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics - VictoriaMetrics: fast, cost-effective monitoring solution and time series database
coreybutler/nvm-windows - A node.js version management utility for Windows. Ironically written in Go.
version-fox/vfox - A cross-platform and extendable SDK version manager.
moby/buildkit - concurrent, cache-efficient, and Dockerfile-agnostic builder toolkit
zze326/devops-super - 基于 golang goframe + vue3 的、前后端分离的运维平台。
quarkcloudio/quark-go - 兼容 Echo & Gin & GoFiber & GoZero & Hertz & Kratos + Ant Design Pro 前后端分离的管理后台,Build Anything With QuarkGo
admpub/nging - Go语言Web管理面板,包含:计划任务 / MySQL管理 / Redis管理 / FTP管理 / SSH管理 / 服务器管理 / Caddy和Nginx配置 / DDNS / FRP可视化配置 / 云存储管理 等功能。可运行于 Windows / Linux / MacOS 等主流系统平台和 树莓派 / 路由器 等ARM设备
natefinch/lumberjack - lumberjack is a log rolling package for Go
jesseduffield/lazygit - simple terminal UI for git commands
xinliangnote/go-gin-api - 基于 Gin 进行模块化设计的 API 框架,封装了常用功能,使用简单,致力于进行快速的业务研发。比如,支持 cors 跨域、jwt 签名验证、zap 日志收集、panic 异常捕获、trace 链路追踪、prometheus 监控指标、swagger 文档生成、viper 配置文件解析、gorm 数据库组件、gormgen 代码生成工具、graphql 查询语言、errno 统一定义错误码、gRPC 的使用、cron 定时任务 等等。
go-sigma/sigma - OCI-Native artifact manager
chaosblade-io/chaosblade - An easy to use and powerful chaos engineering experiment toolkit.(阿里巴巴开源的一款简单易用、功能强大的混沌实验注入工具)
nerney/dappy - Basic LDAP Authenticator for Go 🔓🔑
brokercap/Bifrost - Bifrost ---- 面向生产环境的 MySQL,MariaDB,kafka 同步到Redis,MongoDB,ClickHouse,StarRocks,Doris,Kafka等服务的异构中间件
glauth/glauth - A lightweight LDAP server for development, home use, or CI
opus-domini/fast-shot - Hit your API targets with rapid-fire precision using Go's fastest and simple HTTP Client.
bitepeng/b0pass - 百灵快传(B0Pass):基于Go语言的高性能 "手机电脑超大文件传输神器"、"局域网共享文件服务器"。LAN large file transfer tool。
hibiken/asynq - Simple, reliable, and efficient distributed task queue in Go
ouqiang/gocron - 定时任务管理系统
gorilla/feeds - Package gorilla/feeds is a golang rss/atom generator library
hyacinthus/werich - 用 Markdown 生成微信小程序富文本
mitchellh/mapstructure - Go library for decoding generic map values into native Go structures and vice versa.
FiloSottile/mkcert - A simple zero-config tool to make locally trusted development certificates with any names you'd like.
mikefarah/yq - yq is a portable command-line YAML, JSON, XML, CSV, TOML and properties processor
redis/go-redis - Redis Go client
gobackup/gobackup - 🗄 CLI tool for backup your databases, files to cloud storages in schedully.
charmbracelet/bubbles - TUI components for Bubble Tea 🫧
davecheney/httpstat - It's like curl -v, with colours.
snowlyg/iris-admin - Web admin for go framework [gin/iris]
xuxihai123/go-gwk - A fast reverse proxy to help you expose a local server behind a NAT or firewall to the internet.
ncruces/zenity - Zenity dialogs for Golang, Windows, macOS
briandowns/spinner - Go (golang) package with 90 configurable terminal spinner/progress indicators.
antonmedv/fx - Terminal JSON viewer & processor
1Panel-dev/KubePi - KubePi 是一个现代化的 K8s 面板。
holdno/gopherCron - golang 开箱即用的秒级分布式定时任务系统
etcd-io/bbolt - An embedded key/value database for Go.
weiwenhao/parker - 🍀 package the workdir into a lightweight container runtime that can be executed directly.
devchat-ai/gopool - GoPool is a high-performance, feature-rich, and easy-to-use worker pool library for Golang.
gomods/athens - A Go module datastore and proxy
eryajf/gitlabCodeSearch - 🔎 使用关键字搜索所有gitlab项目
jedib0t/go-pretty - Table-writer and more in golang!
homeport/termshot - Creates screenshots based on terminal command output
goreleaser/fileglob - A file globbing library.
Jinnrry/PMail - Private EMail Server
goreleaser/nfpm - nFPM is Not FPM - a simple deb, rpm, apk and arch linux packager written in Go
abiosoft/ishell - Library for creating interactive cli applications.
AlecAivazis/survey - A golang library for building interactive and accessible prompts with full support for windows and posix terminals.
gcla/termshark - A terminal UI for tshark, inspired by Wireshark
anhao/go-ernie - 文心千帆 GO SDK ,文心一言
kubeshark/kubeshark - The API traffic analyzer for Kubernetes providing real-time K8s protocol-level visibility, capturing and monitoring all traffic and payloads going in, out and across containers, pods, nodes and clusters. Inspired by Wireshark, purposely built for Kubernetes
Pacific73/gorm-cache - gorm v2的即插即用、无需修改代码的旁路缓存。An easy-to-use look-aside cache solution for gorm v2 users.
ddworken/hishtory - Your shell history: synced, queryable, and in context
danielfoehrKn/kubeswitch - The kubectx for operators.
VictoriaMetrics/fastcache - Fast thread-safe inmemory cache for big number of entries in Go. Minimizes GC overhead
BeryJu/gravity - Fully-replicated DNS and DHCP Server with ad-blocking powered by etcd
nkanaev/yarr - yet another rss reader
voidint/tsdump - Database table structure dump tool.
voidint/g - Golang Version Manager
zhufuyi/sponge - sponge is a powerful golang productivity tool that integrates code generation, web and microservice framework, basic development framework.
trufflesecurity/trufflehog - Find and verify credentials
kubesphere/kubesphere - The container platform tailored for Kubernetes multi-cloud, datacenter, and edge management ⎈ 🖥 ☁️
coroot/coroot - Open-source observability for microservices. Thanks to eBPF you can gain comprehensive insights into your system within minutes.
xen0n/go-workwx - a sensible WeCom (企业微信, Wechat Work, Work Weixin) SDK for Go
eryajf/chatgpt-wecom - 💬 基于GO语言实现的体验最好的企微应用集成ChatGPT项目 🚀
google/dnsmasq_exporter - dnsmasq exporter for Prometheus
go-nunu/nunu - A CLI tool for building Go applications.
ostafen/clover - A lightweight document-oriented NoSQL database written in pure Golang.
gookit/slog - 📑 Lightweight, configurable, extensible logging library written in Go. Support multi level, multi outputs and built-in multi file logger, buffers, clean, rotate-file handling.一个易于使用的,轻量级、可配置、可扩展的日志库。支持多个级别,输出到多文件;内置文件日志处理、自动切割、清理、压缩等增强功能
KindlingProject/kindling - eBPF-based Cloud Native Monitoring Tool
xanzy/go-gitlab - GitLab Go SDK
medcl/esm - An simple Elasticsearch migration tool.
jaegertracing/jaeger - CNCF Jaeger, a Distributed Tracing Platform
eryajf/cloudctl - 与公有云等交互的命令行工具
eryajf/eryajfctl - 🚀 基于Cobra库快速打造类似kubectl一样的命令行工具箱 🧰
Licoy/fetch-github-hosts - 🌏 同步github的hosts工具,支持多平台的图形化和命令行,内置客户端和服务端两种模式~ | Synchronize GitHub hosts tool, support multi-platform graphical and command line, built-in client and server modes
1Panel-dev/1Panel - 🔥 🔥 🔥 现代化、开源的 Linux 服务器运维管理面板。
kstone-io/kstone - Kstone is an etcd management platform, providing cluster management, monitoring, backup, inspection, data migration, visual viewing of etcd data, and intelligent diagnosis.
opentdp/tdp-cloud - 土豆片多云资源管理系统
hack-fan/skadi - Easily run something on your server by sending message to IM. slack, teams, wechat, etc...
xpzouying/go-clean-arch - Go Clean Architecture
electricbubble/wecom-bot-api - 🤖 企业微信-群机器人-API
fanchunke/chatgpt-wecom - 企业微信接入 GPT3
CocaineCong/gin-mall - 基于 gin+gorm+redis+mysql 读写分离的电子商城,包括 JWT 鉴权,CORS跨域,AES 对称加密,引入ELK体系方便日志查看,jaeger进行trace查看,skywalking进行检测,使用docker容器化部署
electricbubble/feishu-bot-api - 飞书群机器人 API
lpdswing/GPTFusion - GPT聚合版是一个聚合了多个GPT聊天机器人的跨平台聊天工具, 支持多个免费GPT镜像, 支持自定义导入镜像, 支持POE,文心一言等多个平台.
szpnygo/VecTextSearch - 一个99%由OpenAI ChatGPT开发的项目。A project that is 99% developed by OpenAI ChatGPT.
test-instructor/yangfan - 扬帆测试平台是一款高效、可靠的自动化测试平台,旨在帮助团队提升测试效率、降低测试成本。该平台包括用例管理、定时任务、执行记录等功能模块,支持多种类型的测试用例,目前支持API(http和grpc协议)、性能,并且可定制化,灵活满足不同场景的需求。其中,用例管理模块支持上传、编辑、复制、删除等基础操作,同时支持批量执行、并发执行等高级功能。通过用例设置,可以设置用例的基本信息、运行配置、环境变量等,灵活控制用例的执行。而定时任务模块支持引用一个或多个用例,实现用例的自动执行,支持并发运行、任务标签等功能,后续支持CI/CD集成,实现全自动化的测试流程。扬帆测试平台还提供执行记录模块,记录测试用例的执行结果,支持查看测试报告、执行日志等详细信息,方便对测试结果进行分析和优化。
zitadel/zitadel - ZITADEL - Identity infrastructure, simplified for you.
casdoor/go-sms-sender - A helper library to send SMS via 10+ channels, like Twilio, Amazon SNS, Azure ACS, etc.
os7blue/dobby - 简配版server酱,钉钉webhook机器人、飞书webhook机器人、企业微信webhook机器人、email,以及公众号消息推送服务。
go-kratos/kratos - Your ultimate Go microservices framework for the cloud-native era.
go-gitea/gitea - Git with a cup of tea! Painless self-hosted all-in-one software development service, including Git hosting, code review, team collaboration, package registry and CI/CD
ConnectAI-E/Feishu-OpenAI-Stream-Chatbot - 🎒 可以流式输出文本的飞书openai机器人 Feishu-OpenAI robot that can stream chat
pandodao/tokenizer-go - A Go wrapper for GPT-3 token encode/decode. https://platform.openai.com/tokenizer
cloudwego/hertz - Go HTTP framework with high-performance and strong-extensibility for building micro-services.
dwisiswant0/chatgptui - ChatGPT 🤖 with Textual User Interface (TUI) mode written in Go.
m1guelpf/chatgpt-telegram - Run your own GPTChat Telegram bot, with a single command!
ConnectAI-E/feishu-openai - 🎒 飞书 ×(GPT-4 + GPT-4V + DALL·E-3 + Whisper)= 飞一般的工作体验 🚀 语音对话、角色扮演、多话题讨论、图片创作、表格分析、文档导出 🚀
yuin/goldmark - 🏆 A markdown parser written in Go. Easy to extend, standard(CommonMark) compliant, well structured.
russross/blackfriday - Blackfriday: a markdown processor for Go
vishvananda/netlink - Simple netlink library for go.
hashicorp/packer - Packer is a tool for creating identical machine images for multiple platforms from a single source configuration.
alecthomas/chroma - A general purpose syntax highlighter in pure Go
ginuerzh/gost - GO Simple Tunnel - a simple tunnel written in golang
eolinker/apinto - 基于golang开发的网关。具有各种插件,可以自行扩展,即插即用。此外,它可以快速帮助企业管理API服务,提高API服务的稳定性和安全性。
fatedier/frp - A fast reverse proxy to help you expose a local server behind a NAT or firewall to the internet.
whyiyhw/chatgpt-wechat - 企业微信/微信 安全使用的 ChatGPT 个人助手应用
golang-migrate/migrate - Database migrations. CLI and Golang library.
Leizhenpeng/golang-trick - 书里没有的golang小技巧
cifaz/nav-site - 迷你网址导航NavSite (mini navigate site)
pterm/pterm - ✨ #PTerm is a modern Go module to easily beautify console output. Featuring charts, progressbars, tables, trees, text input, select menus and much more 🚀 It's completely configurable and 100% cross-platform compatible.
go-yaml/yaml - YAML support for the Go language.
yunionio/cloudpods - A cloud-native open-source unified multi-cloud and hybrid-cloud platform. 开源、云原生的多云管理及混合云融合平台
chenquan/diskusage - 💥A tool for showing disk usage(Linux, MacOS and Windows), it is a very fast utility to find largest directories or files.
heppu/gkill - Interactice process killer for Linux and macOS
patrickmn/go-cache - An in-memory key:value store/cache (similar to Memcached) library for Go, suitable for single-machine applications.
ConnectAI-E/Dingtalk-OpenAI - 🎒 钉钉 & 🤖 GPT-3.5 让你的工作效率直接起飞 🚀 私聊群聊方式、单聊串聊模式、角色扮演、图片创作 🚀
go-musicfox/go-musicfox - go-musicfox是用Go写的又一款网易云音乐命令行客户端,支持UnblockNeteaseMusic、各种音质级别、lastfm、MPRIS、MacOS交互响应(睡眠暂停、蓝牙耳机连接断开响应、菜单栏控制等)...
golang-infrastructure/go-if-expression - Golang中的三元表达式的折中实现,用于减少代码行数提高可读性
mzz2017/gg - 一个支持节点与订阅链接的 Linux 命令行代理工具 | A command-line tool for one-click proxy in your research and development without installing v2ray or anything else (only for linux)
google/go-querystring - go-querystring is Go library for encoding structs into URL query strings.
skratchdot/open-golang - Open a file, directory, or URI using the OS's default application for that object type. Optionally, you can specify an application to use.
gofiber/fiber - ⚡️ Express inspired web framework written in Go
ServiceWeaver/weaver - Programming framework for writing and deploying cloud applications.
869413421/chatgpt-web - 基于ChatGPT3.5 API实现的私有化web程序
apicat/apicat - ApiCat is an API development tool based on AI technology. It analyzes and identifies API requirements input by users, and automatically generates corresponding API documents and codes to help developers develop APIs more quickly and efficiently.
go-zoox/fetch - Go Fetch - A Powerful, Lightweight, Easy Http Client, inspired by Web Fetch API
mmcdole/gofeed - Parse RSS, Atom and JSON feeds in Go
jeessy2/ddns-go - Simple and easy to use DDNS. Support Aliyun, Tencent Cloud, Dnspod, Cloudflare, Callback, Huawei Cloud, Baidu Cloud, Porkbun, GoDaddy, Namecheap, NameSilo...
huhu/go-search-extension - The ultimate search extension for Golang
charmbracelet/log - A minimal, colorful Go logging library 🪵
golangci/golangci-lint - Fast linters Runner for Go
glebarez/sqlite - The pure-Go SQLite driver for GORM
glebarez/go-sqlite - pure-Go SQLite driver for Go (SQLite embedded)
xgfone/ship - A flexible, powerful, high performance and minimalist Go Web HTTP router framework.
zincsearch/zincsearch - ZincSearch . A lightweight alternative to elasticsearch that requires minimal resources, written in Go.
avast/retry-go - Simple golang library for retry mechanism
sbzhu/weworkapi_golang - official wework api demo for golang
eryajf/chatgpt - chartgpt client for golang
sashabaranov/go-openai - OpenAI ChatGPT, GPT-3, GPT-4, DALL·E, Whisper API wrapper for Go
solywsh/chatgpt - chartgpt client for golang(use gpt3)
gotomicro/k8z - k8s 业务工具集
pluveto/flydav - Setup a tiny webdav server in 30 seconds. Multi-user, path prefix etc. 轻量高效的 WebDav 服务器。
axetroy/wsm - 🔳Manage you team's server via browser 通过浏览器管理服务器。堡垒机
lwch/natpass - 🔥居家办公,远程开发神器
goharbor/harbor - An open source trusted cloud native registry project that stores, signs, and scans content.
flashcatcloud/categraf - one-stop telemetry collector for nightingale
usememos/memos - An open source, lightweight note-taking service. Easily capture and share your great thoughts.
go-chi/chi - lightweight, idiomatic and composable router for building Go HTTP services
go-ping/ping - ICMP Ping library for Go
pluveto/upgit - Another upload hub that supports clipboard. It works well with Typora, Snipaste, VSCode.
cch123/elasticsql - convert sql to elasticsearch DSL in golang(go)
helloxz/zdir - Golang + Vue3开发的目录列表程序。
eryajf/go-ldap-admin - 🌉 基于Go+Vue实现的openLDAP后台管理项目
go-mysql-org/go-mysql-elasticsearch - Sync MySQL data into elasticsearch
bytedance/go-tagexpr - An interesting go struct tag expression syntax for field validation, etc.
soxft/busuanzi - A simple website statistics analyzer
imroc/req - Simple Go HTTP client with Black Magic
gogf/gf - GoFrame is a modular, powerful, high-performance and enterprise-class application development framework of Golang.
ccfos/nightingale - An all-in-one observability solution which aims to combine the advantages of Prometheus and Grafana. It manages alert rules and visualizes metrics, logs, traces in a beautiful web UI.
thinkeridea/go-extend - go语言扩展包,收集一些常用的操作函数,辅助更快的完成开发工作,并减少重复代码
ntt360/pmon2 - golang进程管理工具(golang process manager)
lenye/pmsg - 发送消息的小工具:企业微信群机器人消息,钉钉自定义机器人消息,飞书自定义机器人消息,Slack bot,微信消息,微信客服消息,企业微信消息,企业微信客服消息
KusionStack/kusion - Deliver intentions to Kubernetes and Clouds
insomniacslk/dhcp - DHCPv6 and DHCPv4 packet library, client and server written in Go
bbdshow/qelog - Lightweight, high performance, low cost logging service. Support alarm, metrics statistics, quick query, access and so on
gookit/goutil - 💪 Helper Utils(700+): int, byte, string, array/slice, map, struct, dump, convert/format, error, web/http, cli/flag, OS/ENV, filesystem, system, test/assert, time and more. Go 常用的一些工具函数:数字,字符串,数组,Map,结构体,反射,文本,文件,错误,时间日期,特殊处理,格式化,常用信息获取等等
gin-gonic/gin - Gin is a HTTP web framework written in Go (Golang). It features a Martini-like API with much better performance -- up to 40 times faster. If you need smashing performance, get yourself some Gin.
kubernetes/kubernetes - Production-Grade Container Scheduling and Management
eryajf/wechatbot - 为个人微信接入ChatGPT
johnkerl/miller - Miller is like awk, sed, cut, join, and sort for name-indexed data such as CSV, TSV, and tabular JSON
wolf-joe/ts-dns - Telescope DNS,灵活快速的DNS分组转发器
lyuangg/ylog - go log
PullRequestInc/go-gpt3 - An OpenAI GPT-3 API client enabling Go/Golang programs to interact with the gpt3 APIs.
skip2/go-qrcode - ✨ QR Code encoder (Go)
ArtalkJS/Artalk - 🌌 自托管评论系统 | Your self-hosted comment system
jwma/jump-jump - 开箱即用,Golang 开发的一个功能完善的短链接系统。URL shortener service developed with golang.
barats/ohUrlShortener - 适合中小型社区网站使用的企业级短链接服务系统,支持短链接生产、查询及302转向,并自带点击量统计、独立IP数统计、访问日志
dutchcoders/transfer.sh - Easy and fast file sharing from the command-line.
eryajf/gojenkins - 这个仓库fork自: https://github.com/bndr/gojenkins ,原仓库基本处于不维护状态,因此fork在这里,单独维护,如果你对这个项目有兴趣,欢迎一起维护。
go-resty/resty - Simple HTTP and REST client library for Go
jinzhu/now - Now is a time toolkit for golang
michael-doubez/filestat_exporter - Prometheus exporter gathering metrics about file size, modification time and other stats
yinheli/sshw - 🐝 ssh client wrapper for automatic login
alibaba/higress - Next-generation Cloud Native Gateway | 下一代云原生网关
noovertime7/kubemanage - kubemanage是使用go+vue3开发的一款云原生运维平台,功能包括但不限于Kubernetes多集群管理、CMDB、Devops,可作为企业二次开发的模板,新手入门的学习项目
abiosoft/colima - Container runtimes on macOS (and Linux) with minimal setup
eryajf/ldapool - Connection pooling encapsulated for go-ldap packets
werf/kubedog - Library to watch and follow kubernetes resources in CI/CD deploy pipelines
json-iterator/go - A high-performance 100% compatible drop-in replacement of "encoding/json"
fatih/color - Color package for Go (golang)
easysoft/go-zentao - ZenTao Go SDK
suyuan32/simple-admin-core - Simple Admin是一个基于Go Zero开发面向中大型项目的分布式微服务后端管理系统脚手架,提供丰富的后台管理功能,支持k8s快速部署,助力快速开发高并发微服务集群,适合学习和商用。Simple Admin is a powerful microservice framework for large management system. It is based on go-zero and supports several advanced features. It can help you to develop a microservice back-end management system in a short time.
wagoodman/dive - A tool for exploring each layer in a docker image
blinkbean/dingtalk - golang钉钉机器人客户端。支持文本、链接、Markdown、ActionCard、FeedCard类型消息的发送,Outgoing机器人消息的接收。通过钉钉机器人接口和不同消息的封装,达到简单快速发送不同类型消息的目的。
goproxyio/goproxy - A global proxy for Go modules.
google/go-github - Go library for accessing the GitHub v3 API
rs/xid - xid is a globally unique id generator thought for the web
fzdwx/infinite - Help you to create interactive command line applications in Go.
gphper/grm - redis可视化工具(gin+element-plus)【部署简单便捷,SSH连接,用户校验,操作日志、命令行模式、LUA脚本执行、Redis监控等】
deatil/lakego-admin - lakego-admin 是使用 gin、JWT 和 RBAC 的前后端分离的 go 后台管理系统。An admin api system with gin, JWT and RBAC.
cookieY/Yearning - 🐳 A most popular sql audit platform for mysql
chaitin/veinmind-tools - veinmind-tools 是由长亭科技自研,基于 veinmind-sdk 打造的容器安全工具集
tickstep/aliyunpan - 阿里云盘命令行客户端,支持JavaScript插件,支持同步备份功能。
Hackl0us/GeoIP2-CN - 小巧精悍、准确、实用 GeoIP2 数据库
pretty66/iptables-web - golang开发的iptables web 管理程序
nektos/act - Run your GitHub Actions locally 🚀
mozillazg/go-pinyin - 汉字转拼音
rocboss/paopao-ce - 🔥An artistic "twitter like" community built on gin+zinc+vue+ts 清新文艺微社区
CatchZeng/dingtalk - DingTalk(dingding) 是钉钉机器人的 go 实现。支持 Docker、Jenkinsfile、命令行模式,module 模式,加签安全设置,支持链式语法创建消息,支持文本、链接、Markdown、ActionCard、FeedCard消息类型; DingTalk (dingding) is the go implementation of the DingTalk robot. Support Docker, Jenkinsfile, command line mode, module mode, signature security settings, chain syntax to create messages, support text, link, markdown,ActionCard,FeedCard message types.
eryajf/third-tools - 🧰 三方工具简单入门使用合集
go-gorm/datatypes - GORM Customized Data Types Collection
etcd-manage/etcd-manage-server - etcd-manage 服务端
gnimli/go-web-mini - Go + Vue开发的管理系统脚手架, 前后端分离, 仅包含项目开发的必需部分, 基于角色的访问控制(RBAC), 分包合理, 精简易于扩展。 后端Go包含了gin、 gorm、 jwt和casbin等的使用, 前端Vue基于vue-element-admin开发
zhaoyunxing92/dingtalk - go版本的钉钉开发api
flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin - 基于vite+vue3+gin搭建的开发基础平台(支持TS,JS混用),集成jwt鉴权,权限管理,动态路由,显隐可控组件,分页封装,多点登录拦截,资源权限,上传下载,代码生成器,表单生成器,chatGPT自动查表等开发必备功能。
chyroc/lark - Feishu(飞书)/Lark Open API Go SDK, Support ALL Open API and Event Callback.
golang/go - The Go programming language
wenerme/go-wecom - Wechat Work/Wecom/企业微信 Golang SDK
misitebao/yakia - Yakia is a developer helper.
saucer-man/wepush - 利用企业微信应用消息向微信发送通知 https://saucer-man.com/operation\_and\_maintenance/707.html
LinuxSuRen/yaml-readme - A helper to generate the READE file automatically from YAML-based metadata files.
1340691923/ElasticView - 这是一个简单好用的ElasticSearch可视化客户端,支持连接6,7,8版本的ES,不妨一试
clickvisual/clickvisual - A lightweight log analytic and data visualize platform built on clickhouse.
go-ldap/ldap - Basic LDAP v3 functionality for the GO programming language.
kubegems/kubegems - Simplify your cloud native journey 🚀
eryajf/ldapctl - OpenLDAP Controller
appleboy/gin-jwt - JWT Middleware for Gin framework
piupuer/gin-web - 由gin + gorm + jwt + casbin组合实现的RBAC权限管理脚手架Golang版, 搭建完成即可快速、高效投入业务开发
teamcode-inc/kubeorbit - Test your application on Kubernetes in a brand new simple way⚡ 轻量高效的微服务本地联调测试工具
liu-cn/json-filter - golang json字段过滤,复用struct 随意选择你想要输出为json的结构体字段。 json filter Golang's JSON filter randomly selects the structure fields you want to output as JSON,Let go have dynamic language like json processing capability
bjdgyc/anylink - AnyLink是一个企业级远程办公 ssl vpn 软件,可以支持多人同时在线使用。基于 openconnect 协议开发,并且借鉴了 ocserv 的开发思路,可以完全兼容 AnyConnect 客户端。
jmcvetta/neoism - Neo4j client for Golang
kubernetes/client-go - Go client for Kubernetes.
arthurkiller/rollingwriter - Rolling writer is an IO util for auto rolling write in go.
hunterhug/golog - 💐 Log The World Very Easy With Zap
trickstercache/trickster - Open Source HTTP Reverse Proxy Cache and Time Series Dashboard Accelerator
lithammer/fuzzysearch - 🐷 Tiny and fast fuzzy search in Go
heiyeluren/xmm - XMM is a high performance third party memory manager for Go environments that is not affected by Gc and guarantees high performance. XMM是一个在Go语言环境中完全自主实现的第三方内存管理库,不依赖于Go本身的任何内存管理能力,纯自主实现能够应对各种场景下大小内存的 分配/释放 工作,能自主构建高性能的 链表/树/哈希表等各类数据结构,能良好完美的逃逸掉Go内置的GC机制,是构建高性能程序基础设施。
Code-Hex/pget - The fastest, resumable file download client
cilium/ebpf - ebpf-go is a pure-Go library to read, modify and load eBPF programs and attach them to various hooks in the Linux kernel.
DarthPestilane/easytcp - ✨ 🚀 EasyTCP is a light-weight TCP framework written in Go (Golang), built with message router. EasyTCP helps you build a TCP server easily fast and less painful.
kardianos/service - Run go programs as a service on major platforms.
link1st/go-stress-testing - go 实现的压测工具,ab、locust、Jmeter压测工具介绍【单台机器100w连接压测实战】
bytedance/sonic - A blazingly fast JSON serializing & deserializing library
goodrain/rainbond - No need to know Kubernetes' cloud native application management platform | 不用懂 Kubernetes 的云原生应用管理平台
mosajjal/dnsmonster - Passive DNS Capture and Monitoring Toolkit
gojue/ebpfmanager - A golang ebpf libary based on cilium/ebpf and datadog/ebpf.
why444216978/gin-api - Go 微服务框架,Router 基于 Gin,同时支持 gRPC 和 HTTP,封装各种常用组件,开箱即用,专注业务。
qiniu/qmgo - Qmgo - The Go driver for MongoDB. It‘s based on official mongo-go-driver but easier to use like Mgo.
iyear/pure-live-core - ✨ Make Live Pure Again
guonaihong/gout - gout to become the Swiss Army Knife of the http client @^^@---> gout 是http client领域的瑞士军刀,小巧,强大,犀利。具体用法可看文档,如使用迷惑或者API用得不爽都可提issues
ochinchina/supervisord - a go-lang supervisor implementation
martin-helmich/prometheus-nginxlog-exporter - Export metrics from Nginx access log files to Prometheus
hpcloud/tail - Go package for reading from continously updated files (tail -f)
spf13/cobra - A Commander for modern Go CLI interactions
go-gorm/gorm - The fantastic ORM library for Golang, aims to be developer friendly
AliyunContainerService/kube-eventer - kube-eventer emit kubernetes events to sinks
buger/jsonparser - One of the fastest alternative JSON parser for Go that does not require schema
golang-module/carbon - A simple, semantic and developer-friendly golang package for time
go-atomci/atomci - 🐳 为**企业而来,以应用为中心的云原生cicd平台
iovisor/kubectl-trace - Schedule bpftrace programs on your kubernetes cluster using the kubectl
chanyipiaomiao/hltool - Go 开发常用工具库, Google2步验证客户端,AES加密解密,RSA加密解密,钉钉机器人,邮件发送,JWT生成解析,Log,BoltDB操作,图片操作,json操作,struct序列化
chenjiandongx/sniffer - 🤒 A modern alternative network traffic sniffer.
robfig/cron - a cron library for go
mitchellh/go-ps - Find, list, and inspect processes from Go (golang).
fitv/min - API skeleton based on Gin
weiwei2012holy/short_url - 开箱即用的短网址服务——GO语言部署版本
nikgalushko/fx - Fx is a useful functional programming helpers.
eryajf/xirang - 简单好用,直接上手的go-web框架
buger/goreplay - GoReplay is an open-source tool for capturing and replaying live HTTP traffic into a test environment in order to continuously test your system with real data. It can be used to increase confidence in code deployments, configuration changes and infrastructure changes.
eryajf/care-screenshot - 给我一个URL,我能将你关心的元素截图发给机器人🤖
go-rod/rod - A Devtools driver for web automation and scraping
kubecube-io/KubeCube - KubeCube is an open source enterprise-level container platform
koderover/zadig - Zadig is a cloud native, distributed, developer-oriented continuous delivery product.
tkestack/kvass - Kvass is a Prometheus horizontal auto-scaling solution , which uses Sidecar to generate special config file only containes part of targets assigned from Coordinator for every Prometheus shard.
eryajf/awesome-ops - 🧰 记录每一个与运维相关的优秀项目,⚗️ 项目内表格通过 GitHub Action 自动生成
LinuxSuRen/open-source-best-practice - This is an open-source best practice for those who want to participate in open-source projects 参与开源过程中的一些最佳实践
obsidiandynamics/kafdrop - Kafka Web UI
theonedev/onedev - Self-hosted Git Server with CI/CD and Kanban
apache/shenyu - Apache ShenYu is a Java native API Gateway for service proxy, protocol conversion and API governance.
YunaiV/ruoyi-vue-pro - 🔥 官方推荐 🔥 RuoYi-Vue 全新 Pro 版本,优化重构所有功能。基于 Spring Boot + MyBatis Plus + Vue & Element 实现的后台管理系统 + 微信小程序,支持 RBAC 动态权限、数据权限、SaaS 多租户、Flowable 工作流、三方登录、支付、短信、商城等功能。你的 ⭐️ Star ⭐️,是作者生发的动力!
vivo/MoonBox - 月光宝盒:无侵入的流量录制与回放平台 A server-side traffic capture and replay platform with noninvasive
blossom-editor/blossom - A markdown editor that you can deploy on your own servers to achieve cloud storage and device synchronization(支持私有部署的云端存储双链笔记软件)
elastic/elasticsearch - Free and Open, Distributed, RESTful Search Engine
dataease/dataease - 人人可用的开源数据可视化分析工具。
vctgo/vctgo-platform - 🔥 官方推荐 🔥 🎉 基于Ruoyi-Cloud版本改造的的多租户SaaS开发框架。 首先感谢若依提供的开源支持!请大家继续关注若依项目! 本项目基于 RuoYi-Cloud 进行二次开发的租户版本 目标在于精简脚手架,致力于中小企业的快速开发项目搭建,让大家不必再耗费精力于各种开源框架里集成的复杂功能如何抉择保留
512team/dhorse - DHorse是一个轻量级、简单易用的云应用管理平台,具有多云和多环境管理、应用管理和部署、服务治理等功能,使用该平台不需要了解容器和k8s的概念。
metersphere/metersphere - MeterSphere 一站式开源持续测试平台,为软件质量保驾护航。搞测试,就选 MeterSphere!
moxi624/mogu_blog_v2 - 蘑菇博客(MoguBlog),一个基于微服务架构的前后端分离博客系统。Web端使用Vue + Element , 移动端使用uniapp和ColorUI。后端使用Spring cloud + Spring boot + mybatis-plus进行开发,使用 Jwt + Spring Security做登录验证和权限校验,使用ElasticSearch和Solr作为全文检索服务,使用Github Actions完成博客的持续集成,使用ELK收集博客日志,文件支持上传七牛云和Minio,支持Docker Compose脚本一键部署。
dromara/MaxKey - 🗝️MaxKey SSO ,Leading-Edge IAM-IDaas(Identity and Access Management) Product,业界领先的IAM-IDaas身份管理和认证产品,支持OAuth2.x、OpenID Connect、SAML2.0、JWT、CAS、SCIM等SSO标准协议,基于RBAC统一权限控制,实现用户生命周期管理,开源、安全、自主可控。
dromara/Jpom - 🚀简而轻的低侵入式在线构建、自动部署、日常运维、项目监控软件
halo-dev/halo - 强大易用的开源建站工具。
didi/KnowStreaming - 一站式云原生实时流数据平台,通过0侵入、插件化构建企业级Kafka服务,极大降低操作、存储和管理实时流数据门槛
AutohomeCorp/frostmourne - Frostmourne(霜之哀伤监控平台)是基于Elasticsearch, Prometheus, SkyWalking, InfluxDB,Mysql/TiDB,ClickHouse, SqlServer, IoTDB数据的分布式监控报警系统. Monitor & alert & alarm for Elasticsearch,Prometheus data。主要使用springboot2 + vue-element-admin
didi/KnowAgent - 基于日志模板构建,采集任务动态管控、数据质量精确度量,一站式日志采集平台
didi/KnowSearch - 面向Elasticsearch研发与运维人员,围绕集群、索引构建的零侵入、多租户的Elasticsearch GUI管控平台
ixrjog/opscloud4 - 云上运维
pinpoint-apm/pinpoint - APM, (Application Performance Management) tool for large-scale distributed systems.
isno/theByteBook - ⭐ 出版作品开源。深入讲解内核网络、Kubernetes、ServiceMesh、容器等云原生相关技术。经历实践检验的 DevOps、SRE指南。如发现错误,谢谢提issue
dushixiang/kafka-map - A beautiful, concise and powerful kafka web management tool. 一个美观简洁且强大的kafka web管理工具。
YMFE/yapi - YApi 是一个可本地部署的、打通前后端及QA的、可视化的接口管理平台
a597873885/webfunny_monitor - webfunny是一款轻量级的前端性能监控系统,也是一款埋点系统,私有化部署,简单易用。Webfunny is a lightweight front-end performance monitoring system and a burying point system, which is privatized and easy to use.
CH563/shot-easy-website - image editor online
usebruno/bruno - Opensource IDE For Exploring and Testing Api's (lightweight alternative to postman/insomnia)
anup-a/meshy - 🧞♂️ MESH·Y is a design tool to generate beautiful & colorful mesh gradients.
qishibo/AnotherRedisDesktopManager - 🚀🚀🚀A faster, better and more stable Redis desktop manager [GUI client], compatible with Linux, Windows, Mac.
Kong/insomnia - The open-source, cross-platform API client for GraphQL, REST, WebSockets, SSE and gRPC. With Cloud, Local and Git storage.
jhuckaby/Cronicle - A simple, distributed task scheduler and runner with a web based UI.
obgnail/typora_plugin - Typora plugin. feature enhancement tool | Typora 插件,功能增强工具
quick123official/quick_redis_blog - QuickRedis is a free forever Redis Desktop manager. It supports direct connection, sentinel, and cluster mode, supports multiple languages, supports hundreds of millions of keys, and has an amazing UI. Supports both Windows, Mac OS X and Linux platform.
typicode/json-server - Get a full fake REST API with zero coding in less than 30 seconds (seriously)
vuepress-reco/vuepress-theme-reco - 🎨 This is the repo for vuepress-theme-reco 2.
colinwilson/lotusdocs - 📖 A free, lightweight, modern documentation theme for Hugo [WIP]
cskefu/cskefu - 🌲 春松客服,开源客服系统
wanglin2/mind-map - 一个还算强大的Web思维导图。A relatively powerful web mind map.
palxiao/poster-design - 一款漂亮且功能强大的在线图片设计器,仿稿定设计,适用于多种场景:海报生成、电商产品图、文章长图、视频/公众号封面等,让设计更简单!A beautiful online image designer, suitable for various scenarios like generate posters, making design easier.
eip-work/kuboard-press - Kuboard 是基于 Kubernetes 的微服务管理界面。同时提供 Kubernetes 免费中文教程,入门教程,最新版本的 Kubernetes v1.23.4 安装手册,(k8s install) 在线答疑,持续更新。
zmister2016/MrDoc - mrdoc,online document system developed based on python. It is suitable for individuals and small teams to manage documents, wiki, knowledge and notes. 觅思文档,适合于个人和中小型团队的在线文档、知识库系统。
elasticsearch-dump/elasticsearch-dump - Import and export tools for elasticsearch & opensearch
sunner/ChatALL - Concurrently chat with ChatGPT, Bing Chat, Bard, Alpaca, Vicuna, Claude, ChatGLM, MOSS, 讯飞星火, 文心一言 and more, discover the best answers
mholt/json-to-go - Translates JSON into a Go type in your browser instantly (original)
songquanpeng/message-pusher - 搭建专属于你的消息推送服务,支持多种消息推送方式,支持 Markdown,基于 Golang 仅单可执行文件,开箱即用
pot-app/pot-desktop - 🌈一个跨平台的划词翻译和OCR软件 | A cross-platform software for text translation and recognition.
http-party/http-server - a simple zero-configuration command-line http server
ConnectAI-E/WeWork-OpenAI-Node - 🎒 企业微信 ×OpenAI NodeJs版本
vincelwt/chatgpt-mac - ChatGPT for Mac, living in your menubar.
josStorer/chatGPTBox - Integrating ChatGPT into your browser deeply, everything you need is here
tangly1024/NotionNext - 使用 NextJS + Notion API 实现的,支持多种部署方案的静态博客,无需服务器、零门槛搭建网站,为Notion和所有创作者设计。 (A static blog built with NextJS and Notion API, supporting multiple deployment options. No server required, zero threshold to set up a website. Designed for Notion and all creators.)
utags/utags - 🏷️ Allow users to add custom tags to links.
Quorafind/Obsidian-Memos - A quick capture plugin for Obsidian, all data from your notes.
Rabithua/memos_wmp - The WeChat Mini Program version of the open-source project "usememos/memos" can be converted into an app. memos的微信小程序版本,可以转化为app
webmasterish/vuepress-plugin-feed - RSS, Atom, and JSON feeds generator plugin for VuePress 1.x
eryajf/emotion_generate - artalk专用的表情包。
avwo/whistle - HTTP, HTTP2, HTTPS, Websocket debugging proxy
ayuanlmo/lmo-data-visualization - ✨lmo-DataVisualization,一款開源可視化數據製作工具。可將各種輕量級業務數據轉換為視頻動畫、使數據更加形象、生動。
star7th/showdoc - ShowDoc is a tool greatly applicable for an IT team to share documents online一个非常适合IT团队的在线API文档、技术文档工具
lmm214/memos-bber - Memos 的 Chrome 扩展
TeaOSLab/EdgeAdmin - CDN & WAF集群管理系统。
eryajf/vdoing-template - Vdoing主题博客模板
eryajf/eryajf.github.io - 二丫讲梵👇博客全部源码
lhotari/action-upterm - Debug your GitHub Actions via SSH by using upterm/tmux to get access to the runner system itself.
terwer/vuepress-plugin-vdoing-comment - Comment plugin in vuepress vdoing theme, supports Gitalk, Valine, Artalk...
miyajan/jflint - A client tool to lint Jenkinsfile
dushixiang/next-terminal - Next Terminal是一个简单好用安全的开源交互审计系统,支持RDP、SSH、VNC、Telnet、Kubernetes协议。
XIU2/UserScript - 🐵 自用的一些乱七八糟 油猴脚本~
eryajf/vue-learn-code - vue学习笔记
cosyer/jelly - 💎 放一些练习和收藏的网页凸(☎ω☎)凸
jamesgeorge007/github-activity-readme - Updates README with the recent GitHub activity of a user
JasonEtco/activity-box - ⚡️📌 Update a pinned gist to contain the latest activity of a user
Leecason/netease-music-box - 🎧 将你最近一周的网易云音乐的听歌记录更新到 Gist
akhilmhdh/contributors-readme-action - A github action to automate a contributors section in readme.
ouuan/This-repo-has-x-stars-y-forks-action - 🤖 A GitHub Action to update this sentence for your repository: This repo has 57 stars 8 forks.
ad-m/github-push-action - GitHub actions to push back to repository eg. updated code
simonecorsi/mawesome - 😎 Github action to generate your own awesome list from project you've starred ordered by languages!
badges/shields - Concise, consistent, and legible badges in SVG and raster format
luin/medis - 💻 Medis is a beautiful, easy-to-use Mac database management application for Redis.
lanyulei/ferry - 本系统是集工单统计、任务钩子、权限管理、灵活配置流程与模版等等于一身的开源工单系统,当然也可以称之为工作流引擎。 致力于减少跨部门之间的沟通,自动任务的执行,提升工作效率与工作质量,减少不必要的工作量与人为出错率。
pinple/douban-movie-extension - 🎬豆瓣电影传送门
wangmeijian/auto_clipboard - 选中文字自动复制到剪切板的chrome插件
sciooga/v2ex-plus - 可能是 v2ex 最好用的扩展
Justineo/github-hovercard - Neat hovercards for GitHub.
Mottie/GitHub-userscripts - Userscripts to add functionality to GitHub
gautamkrishnar/blog-post-workflow - Show your latest blog posts from any sources or StackOverflow activity or Youtube Videos on your GitHub profile/project readme automatically using the RSS feed
release-drafter/release-drafter - Drafts your next release notes as pull requests are merged into master.
eryajf/go-ldap-admin-doc - go-ldap-admin项目官方文档
lulu-ls/cloud-uploader - 网易云音乐MAC云盘上传工具
Postcatlab/postcat - Postcat 是一个可扩展的 API 工具平台。集合基础的 API 管理和测试功能,并且可以通过插件简化你的 API 开发工作,让你可以更快更好地创建 API。An extensible API tool.
wecatch/china_regions - 最全最新**省,市,地区json及sql数据
leo-buneev/vuepress-plugin-fulltext-search - Adds full-text search capabilities to your vuepress site with a help of flexsearch library.
gitalk/gitalk - Gitalk is a modern comment component based on Github Issue and Preact.
docsifyjs/docsify - 🃏 A magical documentation site generator.
openobserve/openobserve - 🚀 10x easier, 🚀 140x lower storage cost, 🚀 high performance, 🚀 petabyte scale - Elasticsearch/Splunk/Datadog alternative for 🚀 (logs, metrics, traces, RUM, Error tracking, Session replay).
sxyazi/yazi - 💥 Blazing fast terminal file manager written in Rust, based on async I/O.
casey/just - 🤖 Just a command runner
fujiapple852/trippy - A network diagnostic tool
ekzhang/sshx - Fast, collaborative live terminal sharing over the web
lapce/lapce - Lightning-fast and Powerful Code Editor written in Rust
ChurchTao/Lanaya - Simple to use clipboard manager! 全键盘操作的剪贴板管理工具.
lsk569937453/silverwind - The High Performance Proxy/Load Balancer
lencx/ChatGPT - 🔮 ChatGPT Desktop Application (Mac, Windows and Linux)
ekzhang/bore - 🕳 bore is a simple CLI tool for making tunnels to localhost
meilisearch/meilisearch - A lightning-fast search API that fits effortlessly into your apps, websites, and workflow
espanso/espanso - Cross-platform Text Expander written in Rust
MirrorX-Desktop/MirrorX - Remote control tool for enterprise, teams and individuals. Build fast and security remote control network with fully control in a short time.
naaive/orange - Cross-platform local file search engine.
ufoscout/docker-compose-wait - A simple script to wait for other docker images to be started while using docker-compose (or Kubernetes or docker stack or whatever)
ansible/ansible - Ansible is a radically simple IT automation platform that makes your applications and systems easier to deploy and maintain. Automate everything from code deployment to network configuration to cloud management, in a language that approaches plain English, using SSH, with no agents to install on remote systems. https://docs.ansible.com.
chubin/wttr.in - ⛅ The right way to check the weather
quay/quay - Build, Store, and Distribute your Applications and Containers
saveweb/review-2023 - 二〇二三年的年终总结都写好了吗?
mouday/domain-admin - Domain and SSL Cert monitor System. 域名SSL证书监测平台
veops/cmdb - CMDB: configuration and management of IT resources | 运维的权威数据库
PromtEngineer/localGPT - Chat with your documents on your local device using GPT models. No data leaves your device and 100% private.
pengzhile/pandora - 潘多拉,一个让你呼吸顺畅的ChatGPT。Pandora, a ChatGPT that helps you breathe smoothly.
wuranxu/pity - 🎉一个持续迭代的开源接口测试平台,欢迎大家多提issue多给反馈。 求star⭐,我会努力更新下去的!
hhyo/Archery - SQL 审核查询平台
GaiZhenbiao/ChuanhuChatGPT - GUI for ChatGPT API and many LLMs. Supports agents, file-based QA, GPT finetuning and query with web search. All with a neat UI.
xfangfang/Macast - Macast is a cross-platform application which using mpv as DLNA Media Renderer.
yihong0618/gitblog - People Die, but Long Live GitHub
phguo/AskGPT - AskGPT: an Alfred Workflow that enables you to ask ChatGPT from anywhere while typing.
binary-husky/gpt_academic - 为ChatGPT/GLM提供实用化交互界面,特别优化论文阅读/润色/写作体验,模块化设计,支持自定义快捷按钮&函数插件,支持Python和C++等项目剖析&自译解功能,PDF/LaTex论文翻译&总结功能,支持并行问询多种LLM模型,支持chatglm2等本地模型。兼容文心一言, moss, llama2, rwkv, claude2, 通义千问, 书生, 讯飞星火等。
pre-commit/pre-commit - A framework for managing and maintaining multi-language pre-commit hooks.
pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks - Some out-of-the-box hooks for pre-commit
eryajf/studyFiles - 一些经典且高质量的电子书分享
meilisearch/docs-scraper - Scrape documentation into Meilisearch
Doragd/Algorithm-Practice-in-Industry - 搜索、推荐、广告、用增等工业界实践文章收集(来源:知乎、Datafuntalk、技术公众号)
x-mirrors/gcr.io - 每天定时同步 gcr.io 镜像到 hub.docker.com。sync google container registry images to hub.docker.com
lavie/runlike - Given an existing docker container, prints the command line necessary to run a copy of it.
saveweb/review-2021 - 今年,你写年终总结了吗?
howie6879/weekly - 老胡的信息技术周刊❤️记录我本周看到的有价值的信息,针对优秀项目、软件、教程资料、网站等。
anmol098/waka-readme-stats - This GitHub action helps to add cool dev metrics to your github profile Readme
bonfy/github-trending - Tracking the most popular Github repos, update daily(Python version)
521xueweihan/HelloGitHub - 分享 GitHub 上有趣、入门级的开源项目。Share interesting, entry-level open source projects on GitHub.
CloudWise-OpenSource/OMP - OMP(Operation Management Platform)是云智慧公司自主设计、研发的轻量级、聚合型、智能运维管理平台。是一款为用户提供便捷运维能力和业务管理的综合平台。具备运维一应俱全的功能,目的是提升运维自动化、智能化,提高运维效率,提升业务连续性和安全性。
unixhot/opsany-paas - OpsAny智能运维PAAS平台
Yikun/hub-mirror-action - 一个Github Action,用于在Github和Gitee之间同步代码。Action for mirroring repos between Hubs (like Github and Gitee).
Eugeny/tabby - A terminal for a more modern age
withfig/autocomplete - IDE-style autocomplete for your existing terminal & shell
Simon-He95/vscode-common-intellisense - For a better development experience, shine and shine | 为了更好的开发体验,发光发热
xiaopujun/light-chaser - light chaser is a lightweight data visualization designer tool
hoppscotch/hoppscotch - 👽 Open source API development ecosystem - https://hoppscotch.io
richhost/pixzip - 面向现代 Web 应用的开源图片压缩软件,支持 macOS、Windows、Linux 系统
productiveops/dokemon - Docker Container Management GUI
BartoszJarocki/cv - Print-friendly, minimalist CV page
web-infra-dev/rspress - 🦀💨 A fast Rspack-based static site generator.
027xiguapi/pear-rec - pear-rec is a screenshot, screen recording, audio recording, and video recording software based on Electron
louislam/dockge - A fancy, easy-to-use and reactive self-hosted docker compose.yaml stack-oriented manager
HuolalaTech/page-spy-web - Debug remotely and easily like chrome devtools.
cars10/elasticvue - Elasticsearch gui for the browser
hyperdxio/hyperdx - Resolve production issues, fast. An open source observability platform unifying session replays, logs, metrics, traces and errors.
gitify-app/gitify - GitHub notifications on your menu bar. Available on macOS, Windows & Linux.
tiddly-gittly/TidGi-Desktop - TidGi is an privatcy-in-mind, automated, auto-git-backup, freely-deployed Tiddlywiki knowledge management Desktop note app, with local REST API. 「 太记 」是一个基于「 太微 TiddlyWiki 」的知识管理桌面应用,能保护隐私内容、高级自动化、自动Git云备份、部署为博客,且可通过RESTAPI与Anki等应用连接。(迭代开发中欢迎试用,开发进度见下方链接)(Under active development, see website below for details)
atian25/yuque-exporter - export yuque to local markdown
maotoumao/MusicFreeDesktop - 插件化、定制化、无广告的免费音乐播放器
yesmore/inke - 📖 A WYSIWYG notebook with AI assisted writing and real-time collaboration. Support self hosting. 一个所见即所得的Markdown笔记本,支持AI辅助写作和多人协作,支持自部署,使用IndexedDB存储笔记。
plus-pro-components/plus-pro-components - 🔥Page level components developed based on Element Plus.
xobserve/xobserve - Observe any stack, any service and any data at anywhere, using any UI style you prefer. Apache2.0 forever !
tldraw/tldraw - Infinite canvas SDK.
cnpm/cnpmcore - Private NPM Registry for Enterprise
dromara/yft-design - 基于fabric.js的图片设计, fabric.js and vue3 and typescript and element-plus, supporting the most commonly used element types such as text, images, shapes, lines, QR codes, and barcodes. Each element has high editable capabilities, thumbnail display, templates
strivelen/fine-admin - 一个基于React的通用后台管理系统模板,采用vite,pnpm,ts,antd@5.x,pro-components,react-router@6.x,RTK,ahooks,axios等主流技术方案。
lobehub/lobe-chat - 🤖 Lobe Chat - an open-source, high-performance chatbot framework that supports speech synthesis, multimodal, and extensible Function Call plugin system. Supports one-click free deployment of your private ChatGPT/LLM web application.
mongodb-js/compass - The GUI for MongoDB.
labring/FastGPT - FastGPT is a knowledge-based QA system built on the LLM, offers out-of-the-box data processing and model invocation capabilities, allows for workflow orchestration through Flow visualization!
acmenlei/codecv - Resume builder based on markdown syntax(在线简历制作工具 https://codecv.top)
korbinzhao/excalidraw-cn - Excalidraw-CN 是支持中文手写和多画布的 Excalidraw 白板工具。Excalidraw-CN is a whiteboard supporting Chinese hand draw font and multi-canvas based on Excalidraw.
apitable/apitable - 🚀🎉📚 APITable, an API-oriented low-code platform for building collaborative apps and better than all other Airtable open-source alternatives.
nocodb/nocodb - 🔥 🔥 🔥 Open Source Airtable Alternative
wangrongding/wallpaper-box - 🏞️ 一个桌面壁纸客户端,可以设置静态 / 动态壁纸,集成了 RunCat 的功能。(A desktop wallpaper client to set static / dynamic wallpapers, integrated with RunCat's features.)
Mereithhh/van-nav - 一个轻量导航站,汇总你的所有服务。全平台支持,单文件部署,有配套浏览器插件
Bowen7/react-rough-fiber - A React renderer for rendering hand-drawn SVGs.
onepointAI/onepoint - An AI assistant tool that integrates coding, writing, and reading functions. For better alternatives see https://monica.im/desktop
guangzhengli/ChatFiles - Document Chatbot — multiple files. Powered by GPT / Embedding.
hellovigoss/ChatGIF - search GIFs with AI
rockbenben/ChatGPT-Shortcut - 🚀💪Maximize your efficiency and productivity, support for English,中文,Español,العربية. 让生产力加倍的AI快捷指令。更有效地定制、保存和分享自己的提示词。在提示词分享社区中,轻松找到适用于不同场景的指令。
yakGPT/yakGPT - Locally running, hands-free ChatGPT UI
caidukai/brain-reply - 更优雅的ChatGPT客户端
hepengwei/visualization-collection - 🌈 一个专注于前端视觉效果的集合应用,包含CSS动效、Canvas动画、Three.js3D、人工智能应用等上百个案例(持续更新)
microvoid/retro-avatar - Create indenticon like Github and Gravatar (retro) avatars.
ChatGPTNextWeb/ChatGPT-Next-Web - A cross-platform ChatGPT/Gemini UI (Web / PWA / Linux / Win / MacOS). 一键拥有你自己的跨平台 ChatGPT/Gemini 应用。
Serverless-Devs/Serverless-Devs - 🔥🔥🔥 Serverless Devs developer tool ( Serverless Devs 开发者工具 )
GPTGenius/chatgpt-vercel - Create a private ChatGPT website with one-click for free using Vercel -- 通过 Vercel 一键免费创建私有的 ChatGPT 站点
codebdy/rxdrag - Design anything based on HTML, 可视化编辑, 带逻辑引擎的低代码前端。
futantan/OpenGpt - Create your own ChatGPT App in seconds.
meowtec/Imagine - 🖼️ PNG/JPEG optimization app for macOS, Windows and Linux.
prompt-engineering/click-prompt - ClickPrompt - Streamline your prompt design, with ClickPrompt, you can easily view, share, and run these prompts with just one click. ClickPrompt 用于一键轻松查看、分享和执行您的 Prompt。
mckaywrigley/chatbot-ui - The open-source AI chat app for everyone.
BloopAI/bloop - bloop is a fast code search engine written in Rust.
softprops/action-gh-release - 📦 GitHub Action for creating GitHub Releases
sailist/chatgpt-enhancement-extension - An all-in-one plugin to improve your ChatGPT experience!
vuejs/vitepress - Vite & Vue powered static site generator.
TypeCellOS/BlockNote - A "Notion-style" block-based extensible text editor built on top of Prosemirror and Tiptap.
barnesoir/chatgpt-vscode-plugin - A VS code plugin for ChatGPT built by ChatGPT
aircloud/sync-to-github - Sync your web content into a github repository, e.g. a conversation with ChatGPT.
PBK-B/gpt-zmide-server - 💡 zmide ChatGPT 应用服务,用于管理应用程序对接和集成 ChatGPT API 的服务应用
anc95/writely - ❤️🔥 A chrome extension as an alternative to Notion AI that goes beyond Notion AI. | 一个替代 Notion AI 的浏览器插件,不止于 Notion AI
Christopher-Hayes/vscode-chatgpt-reborn - Refactor, improve, and debug your code in VSCode with GPT-3 and GPT-4.
facebook/docusaurus - Easy to maintain open source documentation websites.
voidcosmos/npkill - List any node_modules 📦 dir in your system and how heavy they are. You can then select which ones you want to erase to free up space 🧹
bojieyang/indexnow-action - Automatically submits URLs to participating search engines through the IndexNow protocol.
Bin-Huang/chatbox - Chatbox is a desktop client for ChatGPT, Claude and other LLMs, available on Windows, Mac, Linux
eryajf/chatgpt-vercel - A demo repo based on OpenAI API (gpt-3.5-turbo)
aykutkardas/regexlearn.com - Learn RegEx step by step, from zero to advanced.
lcomplete/huntly - Huntly, information management tool, rss reader, automatic saving browsed contents include tweets, github stars management tool. 信息管理工具、RSS 阅读器、GitHub stars 管理、推文管理、自动记录浏览过的文章。
logto-io/logto - 🧑🚀 Every app needs authentication and authorization. Logto is an Auth0 alternative designed for modern apps and SaaS products.
ourongxing/chatgpt-vercel - Elegant and Powerfull. Powered by OpenAI and Vercel.
anse-app/chatgpt-demo - Minimal web UI for ChatGPT.
maotoumao/MusicFree - 插件化、定制化、无广告的免费音乐播放器
AlfieJones/theme-toggles - Theme toggles is a collection of awesome, easy to use, animated toggles; designed for switching between light and dark modes. It's a modular library which aims to provide an ample customization where needed. Works great utility CSS frameworks such as Tailwindcss.
kubeshop/monokle - 🧐 Monokle Desktop empowers you to better create, understand, and deploy YAML manifests with a visual UI that also provides policy validation and cluster insights.
martpie/museeks - 🎵 A simple, clean and cross-platform music player
excalidraw/excalidraw - Virtual whiteboard for sketching hand-drawn like diagrams
LHRUN/paint-board - 🎨 A powerful multi-end drawing board that brings together a lot of creative brushes to experience a whole new range of drawing effects!
Mereithhh/vanblog - 一款简洁实用优雅的个人博客系统
Wanxp/obsidian-douban - an obsidian plugin that can pull data from douban to your markdown file
vuepress-theme-hope/vuepress-theme-hope - A vuepress theme with tons of features✨
wulkano/Kap - An open-source screen recorder built with web technology
riccox/meilisearch-ui - 😎 An open-source, pretty, simple and fast ⚡ meilisearch admin dashboard UI for managing your meilisearch instances 🕹
SigNoz/signoz - SigNoz is an open-source observability platform native to OpenTelemetry with logs, traces and metrics in a single application. An open-source alternative to DataDog, NewRelic, etc. 🔥 🖥. 👉 Open source Application Performance Monitoring (APM) & Observability tool
apptools-lab/AppWorks - 🐻 基于 VS Code 插件的前端研发工具集,站点国内镜像:https://apptools.gitee.io
jd-opensource/drip-table - A tiny and powerful enterprise-class solution for building lowcode tables. 轻量、强大的企业级表格可视化搭建解决方案。
Codennnn/Green-Wall - ⬜🟩 GitHub Contributions Graph Generator.
stateful/vscode-server-action - A GitHub Action that allows to debug GitHub workflows using VS Code.
RealKai42/qwerty-learner - 为键盘工作者设计的单词记忆与英语肌肉记忆锻炼软件 / Words learning and English muscle memory training software designed for keyboard workers
wong2/chatgpt-google-extension - This project is deprecated. Check my new project ChatHub:
labring/sealos - Sealos is a production-ready Kubernetes distribution that provides a one-stop solution for both public and private cloud. https://sealos.io
lyswhut/lx-music-desktop - 一个基于 electron 的音乐软件
upscayl/upscayl - 🆙 Upscayl - Free and Open Source AI Image Upscaler for Linux, MacOS and Windows built with Linux-First philosophy.
Yaozhuwa/easy-typing-obsidian - This is a plugin of obsidian for users writing in an easy way.
xjq7/runcode - 🚀在线编辑器, 支持在线编写,运行代码,支持C、C++、Go、Nodejs、Rust、Java、Python、C#、PHP多种语言,在线 js-challenge
zhanglun/lettura - another rss reader
honghuangdc/soybean-admin - A fresh and elegant admin template, based on Vue3,Vite3,TypeScript,NaiveUI and UnoCSS [一个基于Vue3、Vite3、TypeScript、NaiveUI 和 UnoCSS的清新优雅的中后台模版]
the1812/Bilibili-Evolved - 强大的哔哩哔哩增强脚本
kimlimjustin/xplorer - Xplorer, a customizable, modern file manager
AttoJS/vue-request - ⚡️ This is a library that can easily help you manage request states, supporting common features such as SWR, polling, error retry, caching, and pagination, etc. ⚡️ 这是一个能够轻松帮助你管理请求状态的库,支持 SWR、轮询、错误重试、缓存、分页等常用功能。
calibreapp/image-actions - A Github Action that automatically compresses JPEGs, PNGs and WebPs in Pull Requests.
Platane/snk - 🟩⬜ Generates a snake game from a github user contributions graph and output a screen capture as animated svg or gif
meteorlxy/vssue - 📫 A Vue-powered Issue-based Comment Plugin
xushengfeng/eSearch - 截屏 离线OCR 搜索翻译 以图搜图 贴图 录屏 滚动截屏 Screenshot OCR search translate search for picture paste the picture on the screen screen recorder
bytedance/IconPark - 🍎Transform an SVG icon into multiple themes, and generate React icons,Vue icons,svg icons
HalseySpicy/Hooks-Admin - 🚀🚀🚀 Hooks Admin,基于 React18、React-Router V6、React-Hooks、Redux、TypeScript、Vite2、Ant-Design 开源的一套后台管理框架。
yang991178/fluent-reader - Modern desktop RSS reader built with Electron, React, and Fluent UI
EnixCoda/Gitako - 🐙 File tree extension for GitHub on Chrome & Firefox & Edge
fantasticit/think - 云策文档是一款开源知识管理工具。通过独立的知识库空间,结构化地组织在线协作文档,实现知识的积累与沉淀,促进知识的复用与流通。
curlconverter/curlconverter - Convert curl commands into code
vbenjs/vue-vben-admin - A modern vue admin. It is based on Vue3, vite and TypeScript. It's fast!
Tencent/tdesign-vue - A Vue.js UI components lib for TDesign.
DouyinFE/semi-design - 🚀A modern, comprehensive, flexible design system and React UI library. 🎨 Provide more than 2800+ Design Tokens, easy to build your design system. Make Semi Design to Any Design. 🧑🏻💻 Design to Code in one click
siyuan-note/siyuan - A privacy-first, self-hosted, fully open source personal knowledge management software, written in typescript and golang.
Milkdown/milkdown - 🍼 Plugin driven WYSIWYG markdown editor framework.
Studio3T/robomongo - Native cross-platform MongoDB management tool
alibaba/ilogtail - Fast and Lightweight Observability Data Collector
aristocratos/btop - A monitor of resources
visualfc/liteide - LiteIDE is a simple, open source, cross-platform Go IDE.
primihub/primihub - Privacy-Preserving Computing Platform 由密码学专家团队打造的开源隐私计算平台,支持多方安全计算、联邦学习、隐私求交、匿踪查询等。
chaitin/SafeLine - 一款足够简单、足够好用、足够强的免费 WAF。基于业界领先的语义引擎检测技术,作为反向代理接入,保护你的网站不受黑客攻击。
mudler/LocalAI - 🤖 The free, Open Source OpenAI alternative. Self-hosted, community-driven and local-first. Drop-in replacement for OpenAI running on consumer-grade hardware. No GPU required. Runs ggml, gguf, GPTQ, onnx, TF compatible models: llama, llama2, rwkv, whisper, vicuna, koala, cerebras, falcon, dolly, starcoder, and many others
vnotex/vnote - A pleasant note-taking platform.
typesense/typesense - Open Source alternative to Algolia + Pinecone and an Easier-to-Use alternative to ElasticSearch ⚡ 🔍 ✨ Fast, typo tolerant, in-memory fuzzy Search Engine for building delightful search experiences
flameshot-org/flameshot - Powerful yet simple to use screenshot software 🖥️ 📸
jenkinsci/job-dsl-plugin - A Groovy DSL for Jenkins Jobs - Sweeeeet!
oldratlee/useful-scripts - 🐌 useful scripts for making developer's everyday life easier and happier, involved java, shell etc.
jenv/jenv - Manage your Java environment
eryajf/deploy-playbook - 直播课程所用物料
nicolaka/netshoot - a Docker + Kubernetes network trouble-shooting swiss-army container
nvm-sh/nvm - Node Version Manager - POSIX-compliant bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions
DaoCloud/public-image-mirror - 很多镜像都在国外。比如 gcr 。国内下载很慢,需要加速。
brendangregg/perf-tools - Performance analysis tools based on Linux perf_events (aka perf) and ftrace
Runner-Go-Team/RunnerGo - RunnerGo是一款国内开发者自研的性能压测工具,可以进行接口测试、场景自动化测试、性能压测等一系列功能。
wangyoucao577/go-release-action - Automatically publish Go binaries to Github Release Assets through Github Action.
easychen/openai-gpt-dev-notes-for-cn-developer - 如何快速开发一个OpenAI/GPT应用:国内开发者笔记
rlespinasse/github-slug-action - GitHub Action to expose slug value of GitHub environment variables inside your GitHub workflow
moovweb/gvm - Go Version Manager
eryajf/magic-of-sysuse-scripts - 🪄 运维外挂小工具
tal-tech/alarm-dog - 哮天犬是一个通用的统一告警平台,提供配置化、流程化、标准化的能力,支持多种告警通知渠道,支持告警收敛、过滤、升级、工作流、自动恢复等功能,实现统一输入、不同输出。可以对接Grafana、阿里云Arms、实时计算等监控能力,各业务也可以直接在代码中埋点上报告警,也可以定制化开发,实现监控告警全场景覆盖。https://tal-tech.github.io/alarm-dog-docs
xuexb/learn-nginx - Nginx 入门指南
Anduin2017/HowToCook - 程序员在家做饭方法指南。Programmer's guide about how to cook at home (Chinese only).
lycheeverse/lychee-action - Github action to check for broken links in Markdown, HTML, and text files using lychee, a fast link checker written in Rust.
bestxtools/awesome-toolbox-chinese - 🧰 优秀工具箱集合 - 收集,推荐好用、优秀的工具箱。工具箱大全。| https://awesome-toolbox-chinese.bestxtools.com/ | https://😎🧰.bestxtools.com/
eryajf/wiki - Typora同步点,个人wiki大合集
jinfeijie/yapi - Docker for YApi 一键部署YApi
eryajf/Obsidian-Plugin-Weekly - 📝 Obsidian插件周刊
eryajf/Learning-Weekly-old - 这里记录我每周工作学习过程中遇到学到的优秀开源项目,优秀文章,以及优秀博客。
WhiteCosmos/Gotcha-Rest-Client - The open-source, cross-platform API test and design tool.
WeBankPartners/we-cmdb - CMDB from WeBank
zclzone/vue-naive-admin - ⚡️基于 Vue3 + Vite + Pinia + Unocss + Naive UI 的轻量级后台管理模板。
luckjiawei/frpc-desktop - 一个frpc桌面客户端
Alfred-Skyblue/vue-draggable-plus - Universal Drag-and-Drop Component Supporting both Vue 3 and Vue 2
benc-uk/kubeview - Kubernetes cluster visualiser and graphical explorer
xiusin/web-redis-manager - A modern redis management tool on the web,if you like it, please star ⭐️.
jamebal/jmal-cloud-view - JmalCloud 是一款私有云存储网盘项目,能够简单安全管理您的云端文件
xiaoli1999/custom-avatar - 快速定制**传统节日头像,国庆国旗头像。customize avatars for traditional Chinese festivals such as National Day, Mid-Autumn Festival, and Spring Festival."
Hunlongyu/ZY-Player -
▶️ 跨平台桌面端视频资源播放器.简洁无广告.免费高颜值. 🎞 -
tiny-craft/tiny-rdm - A Modern Redis GUI Client
hangjob/vue-bag-admin - 🍁采用Vite4、Vue3、Pinia 、Naive UI 构建,构建企业npm依赖包中后台管理系统基础框架,做到框架(packages)和应用(app)分开,即可以减少项目之间的耦合,也能提升项目扩展性
Moonvy/OpenPromptStudio - 🥣 AIGC 提示词可视化编辑器 | OPS | Open Prompt Studio
kevin2li/PDF-Guru - A Multi-purpose PDF file processing tool with a nice UI that supports merge, split, rotate, reorder, delete, scale, crop, watermark, encrypt/decrypt, bookmark, extract, compress, etc.
xxd763795151/kafka-console-ui - 一款快捷易用的轻量级kafka可视化管理平台
yangjian102621/chatgpt-plus - AI 助手全套开源解决方案,自带运营管理后台,开箱即用。集成了 ChatGPT, Azure, ChatGLM,讯飞星火,文心一言等多个平台的大语言模型。支持 MJ AI 绘画,Stable Diffusion AI 绘画,微博热搜等插件工具。采用 Go + Vue3 + element-plus 实现。
pddzl/kubefish - kubernetes dashboard
0xJacky/nginx-ui - Yet another WebUI for Nginx
youlaitech/vue3-element-admin - 🔥基于 vue3 + vite4 + typescript + element-plus 构建的后台管理系统(配套接口文档和后端源码)。vue-element-admin 的 vue3 版本。
Yidadaa/shuangpin - 纸砚双拼,可能是最好用的双拼练习工具,支持声母 / 韵母 / 长句模式、自定义双拼方案、进度统计、深色模式、成就系统。
beekeeper-studio/beekeeper-studio - Modern and easy to use SQL client for MySQL, Postgres, SQLite, SQL Server, and more. Linux, MacOS, and Windows.
202252197/ChatGPT_JCM - OpenAI管理界面,聚合了OpenAI的所有接口进行界面操作(所有模型、图片、音频、微调、文件)等,支持Markdown格式(公式、图表,表格)等,后期会一点一点的将OpenAI接口进行接入大家支持一下,右上角点个Star,我会一直更新下去,大家一起学习,一起加油,一起努力,一起成长。
Synaptrix/ChatGPT-Desktop - Fuel your productivity with ChatGPT-Desktop - Blazingly fast and supercharged!
weekend-project-space/chatgpt-online - chatgpt-online,一键部署你的 chatgpt 页面,无需翻墙
pljhonglu/ChatGPT-T - chatgpt-tauri base on chatgpt-web
Chanzhaoyu/chatgpt-web - 用 Express 和 Vue3 搭建的 ChatGPT 演示网页
ydq/netease-cloud-disk-music-upload - Netease Cloud Disk Music Upload 网易云盘音乐上传管理 Chrome 插件(解决Mac版本网易云音乐不能上传音乐的痛点)
nihaojob/vue-fabric-editor - 基于fabric.js和Vue的图片编辑器,可自定义字体、素材、设计模板。fabric.js and Vue based image editor, can customize fonts, materials, design templates.
QYueWang/vuepress-plugin-flexsearch-pro - 支持多种语言(包括中文)全局搜索
zhangyuang/fe-dev-playbook - 教你如何打造舒适、高效、时尚的前端开发环境
Hacker233/resume-design - 一款开源简历设计生成器,内置两款设计器,多种免费模板选择,还可以自定义模板、主题等等,支持导出PDF、JSON数据。
manchan4869/CoverVue - 🛠快速为您的博客文章创建精彩的封面图像。
rr210/blazeB2 - 📷基于 backBlazeb2 API & ⚡ cloudflare 开发的具有 CDN 加速功能的图床工具
JakHuang/form-generator - ✨Element UI表单设计及代码生成器
noovertime7/gin-mysqlbak - 一款分布式高性能的备份系统,支持mysql、ElasticSearch备份,多集群任务统一,数据集中存储
xfy520/vue3-menus - Vue3.0 自定义右键菜单
dromara/mayfly-go - web版linux(终端 文件 脚本 进程)、数据库(mysql pgsql 高斯 达梦)、redis(单机 哨兵 集群)、mongo统一管理操作平台。
yaolunmao/vue-webtopo-svgeditor - 基于vue3实现的svg可视化web组态编辑器。可无需修改代码动态添加svg组件
eryajf/xirang-ui - 🐉 简单好用,不缠不绕,直接上手的go-web框架
hunter-ji/RedisFish - 🌈A convenient, cross-platform, and content-focused redis GUI client. Maybe you will like it.
foamzou/melody - 我的音乐精灵
GXFG/newtab-naivetab - NewTab Page extension for Chrome and Edge 新标签页
quietdw/animated-banner - Bilibili 首页的动态Banner,感觉很炫酷,个人抽空实现了一波。
ZFSNYJ/VFD - 一款基于VUE的在线绘制流程图工具
lewkamtao/lew-ui - A beautiful component library based on vue3
u2sb/vuepress-plugin-vssue-global - Vuepress的Vssue全局评论插件
qingqingxuan/vue-admin-work-x - 🎉🎉🎉Vue Admin Work X,漂亮、强大、完善。采用 Vue3 Webpack Typescript Element Plus编写的中后台框架。全面的系统配置,优质模板,常用组件,真正一站式开箱即用🎉🎉🎉
qingqingxuan/admin-work - Vue3 和 NaiveUI 的完美结合—Admin Work,拥有漂亮、强大、完善的功能。采用 Vue3 Vite2 Typescript NaiveUI Pinia编写的中后台框架。全面的系统配置,优质模板,常用组件,真正一站式开箱即用。持续更新,不断完善,一直在前进~~
massCodeIO/massCode - A free and open source code snippets manager for developers
heyui/heyui-admin - 基于 vue 和 heyui 组件库的中后端系统 https://admin.heyui.top
dishait/vue-dark-switch - 多合一的开箱即用 vue3 暗黑模式开关组件 | A versatile vue3 dark mode switch component
starsliao/TenSunS - 🦄后羿 - TenSunS(原ConsulManager):基于Consul的运维平台:更优雅的Consul管理UI&多云与自建ECS/MySQL/Redis同步Prometheus/JumpServer&ECS/MySQL/Redis云监控指标采集&Blackbox站点监控维护&漏洞通知/资源到期余额告警&各类资源Grafana看板展示
eryajf/go-ldap-admin-ui - 🌉 基于Go+Vue实现的openLDAP后台管理项目
HalseySpicy/Geeker-Admin - ✨✨✨ Geeker Admin,基于 Vue3.4、TypeScript、Vite5、Pinia、Element-Plus 开源的一套后台管理框架。
pure-admin/vue-pure-admin - 🔥 全面ESM+Vue3+Vite+Element-Plus+TypeScript编写的一款后台管理系统(兼容移动端)
antares-sql/antares - A modern, fast and productivity driven SQL client with a focus in UX
jekip/naive-ui-admin - Naive Ui Admin 是一个基于 vue3,vite2,TypeScript 的中后台解决方案,它使用了最新的前端技术栈,并提炼了典型的业务模型,页面,包括二次封装组件、动态菜单、权限校验、粒子化权限控制等功能,它可以帮助你快速搭建企业级中后台项目,相信不管是从新技术使用还是其他方面,都能帮助到你,持续更新中。
elunez/eladmin-web - eladmin jpa版本:前端源码,项目基于 Spring Boot 2.1.0 、 Spring Boot Jpa、 Spring Security、Redis、Vue的前后端分离后台管理系统
PanJiaChen/vue-element-admin - 🎉 A magical vue admin https://panjiachen.github.io/vue-element-admin
z3by/vuepress-plugin-flexsearch - Next-Generation full text search library for Vuepress
xugaoyi/vuepress-theme-vdoing - 🚀一款简洁高效的VuePress知识管理&博客(blog)主题
opendigg/awesome-github-vue - Vue相关开源项目库汇总
sunlei/awesome-tools - 我常用或收集的工具
ProxymanApp/Proxyman - Modern. Native. Delightful Web Debugging Proxy for macOS, iOS, and Android ⚡️
AdoptOpenJDK/openjdk8-binaries - The new home for releases and nightlies for all OpenJDK8 variants and platforms
K-Render/best-chinese-prompt - AI中文提示词秘籍ChatGPT中文提示词秘籍(Prompt圣经)K-Render整理
eryajf/learn-github - 学习GitHub相关交互以及功能
wuchangming/chatgpt-query-engineer-handbook - 🤖️ChatGPT提问工程师 -- 开发指南
getcursor/cursor - An AI-powered code editor based on VSCode 🤖
PlexPt/awesome-chatgpt-prompts-zh - ChatGPT 中文调教指南。各种场景使用指南。学习怎么让它听你的话。
oldwinter/knowledge-garden - 我的第二大脑 second brain,我的数字花园 digital garden,用obsidian双链笔记软件写作而成
xx025/carrot - Free ChatGPT Site List 这儿为你准备了众多免费好用的ChatGPT镜像站点
eryajf/awesome-chatgpt-answer - 🙋 问得好,🗣 答得妙。那些值得记录的与ChatGPT的问答。
eryajf/FreeSql.Wiki.VuePress - FreeSql wiki 文档采用 vuepress
eryajf/athul - I write about myself Here 😁
eryajf/Thanks-Mirror - 整理记录各个包管理器,系统镜像,以及常用软件的好用镜像,Thanks Mirror。 走过路过,如觉不错,麻烦点个赞👆🌟
eryajf/read-list - 📖 优质内容订阅,阅读方为根本
ImCa0/just-laws - 一个简洁、便捷的**法律文库 | A Simple and Convenient Laws Library of China.
immersive-translate/immersive-translate - 沉浸式双语网页翻译扩展 , 支持输入框翻译, 鼠标悬停翻译, PDF, Epub, 字幕文件, TXT 文件翻译 - Immersive Dual Web Page Translation Extension
Cyril0563/lanjing_live - 🐋蓝鲸直播源-长期维护的电视直播源接口、TVBox、Pluto Player、猫影视TV、IPTV、BIUBIU TV、IPTV源、直播源、源享家、蓝鲸直播源、等影视及m3u8播放器通用接口都可观看
eryajf/HowToStartOpenSource - ⚗️ GitHub开源项目维护协作指南
eryajf/learning-weekly - 📝 周刊内容以运维技术和Go语言周边为主,辅以GitHub上优秀项目或他人优秀经验。欢迎star点赞收藏👆🌟
notable/notable - The Markdown-based note-taking app that doesn't suck.
humanloop/awesome-chatgpt - Curated list of awesome tools, demos, docs for ChatGPT and GPT-3
eryajf/awesome-navigation - 🧭 优秀的导航项目,优质的导航站搜集整理
eryajf/recommend-actions - 优秀的GitHub Actions推荐
jaywcjlove/mysql-tutorial - MySQL入门教程(MySQL tutorial book)
eryajf/awesome-stars-eryajf - 🤩 我的star列表,每天凌晨自动更新
guodongxiaren/README - README文件语法解读,即Github Flavored Markdown语法介绍
eryajf/awesome-github-profile-readme-chinese - 🦩 优秀的中文区个人主页搜集
hzlzh/Best-App - 收集&推荐优秀的 Apps/硬件/技巧/周边等
Wechat-ggGitHub/Awesome-GitHub-Repo - 收集整理 GitHub 上高质量、有趣的开源项目。
tnfe/TNT-Weekly - 🙈 🙉 🙊 每周为您推荐国内外前端领域最新的优秀文章以及行业进展
Geekhyt/weekly - 前端食堂技术周刊,每周发布。🌰
GitHubDaily/GitHubDaily - 坚持分享 GitHub 上高质量、有趣实用的开源技术教程、开发者工具、编程网站、技术资讯。A list cool, interesting projects of GitHub.
StabilityMan/StabilityGuide - 【稳定大于一切】打造国内稳定性领域知识库,让无法解决的问题少一点点,让世界的确定性多一点点。
qianguyihao/brand-list - 优质品牌推荐,品质生活选择
polaris1119/golangweekly - Go语言爱好者周刊,每周日发布
eryajf/t - 个人图床
eryajf/docsify-template - docsify模板
eryajf/tu - 图床
LinuxSuRen/remote-jobs-in-china - 支持远程办公的**公司
comwrg/package-manager-proxy-settings - 记录各个包管理器代理设置坑点。
ruanyf/weekly - 科技爱好者周刊,每周五发布
ripperhe/Bob - Bob 是一款 macOS 平台的翻译和 OCR 软件。
lanyulei/fiy - 配置管理数据库,即CMDB。
dnsjia/luban - Kubernetes集群管理平台,CMDB,K8S容器管理,运维平台,自动化运维发布平台,CICD平台,多集群管理
eryajf/eryajf - eryajf readme profile with 16 stars and 25 forks 🌟
- dbgate/dbgate - Database manager for MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, MongoDB, SQLite and others. Runs under Windows, Linux, Mac or as web application
- chaseSpace/k8s-tutorial-cn - The most(might) detailed Kubernetes tutorials in Chinese. 全网最(可能)详细的Kubernetes中文教程。
- zhengqingya/docker-compose - 通过docker-compose编排一系列环境进行一键快速部署运行,小白运维神器。
- sdkman/sdkman-cli - The SDKMAN! Command Line Interface
mpv-player/mpv - 🎥 Command line video player
RubyMetric/chsrc - chsrc 全平台命令行换源工具
mattn/go-sqlite3 - sqlite3 driver for go using database/sql
rock-app/fabu.love - 应用发布平台类似fir.im/蒲公英,支持检查更新,灰度发布等等.Demo地址:https://fabu.apppills.com/
kingToolbox/WindTerm - A professional cross-platform SSH/Sftp/Shell/Telnet/Serial terminal.
obsproject/obs-studio - OBS Studio - Free and open source software for live streaming and screen recording
eryajf/rpmbuild - 整理工作中常用的RPM构建spec
gkd-kit/gkd - 基于 无障碍 + 高级选择器 + 订阅规则 的自定义屏幕点击 Android APP
dzikoysk/reposilite - Lightweight and easy-to-use repository management software dedicated for the Maven based artifacts in the JVM ecosystem 📦
prof18/feed-flow - FeedFlow is a minimalistic RSS Reader available on Android, iOS and macOS.
Ashinch/ReadYou - An Android RSS reader presented in Material You style.
mulaRahul/keyviz - Keyviz is a free and open-source tool to visualize your keystrokes ⌨️ and 🖱️ mouse actions in real-time.
GopeedLab/gopeed - A modern download manager that supports all platforms. Built with Golang and Flutter.
DargonLee/easy_pasta - EasyPasta是一个 PC 平台的剪贴板记录工具
localsend/localsend - An open-source cross-platform alternative to AirDrop
lework/Ansible-roles - Ansible Roles
liukango/infra-docker-compose - 研发内网可能用到的组件,如Gerrit、GitLab、Jira、Confluence、DNS、Proxy、Nexus、Jenkins、Ldap等。
xqdoo00o/chatgpt-web - Pure Javascript ChatGPT demo based on OpenAI API
duanbiaowu/go-examples-for-beginners - Getting Started Go
ImageOptim/ImageOptim - GUI image optimizer for Mac
sapicd/sapic - sapic(picbed) - 基于Flask的Web自建图床,可存储到又拍云、七牛云、阿里云OSS、腾讯云COS、GitHub、Gitee、S3等,支持自定义扩展。
fc-game/fc-game.github.io - FC Game Web Site
songquanpeng/go-file - 基于 Go 的文件分享工具,仅单可执行文件,开箱即用,内置图床和视频播放页面. File sharing tool based on Go.
wansenai/flow - 企业级流程中心(基于flowable和bpmn.js封装的流程引擎)
PKM-er/Blue-topaz-example - Blue topaz themes example vault for Obsidian
- tryzealot/zealot - 开源自部署移动应用和 macOS 应用分发平台,提供 iOS、Android SDK、fastlane 等丰富组件库 | Self-hosted Beta App Distribution for Android, iOS and macOS apps
composer/composer - Dependency Manager for PHP
lizhipay/acg-faka - 个人发卡源码,发卡系统,二次元发卡系统,二次元发卡源码,发卡程序,动漫发卡,PHP发卡源码,异次元发卡
assimon/dujiaoka - 🦄独角数卡(自动售货系统)-开源站长自动化售货解决方案、高效、稳定、快速!🚀🚀🎉🎉
mylxsw/wizard - Wizard是一款开源的文档管理工具,支持Markdown/Swagger/Table类型的文档。
aoaostar/toolbox - 🚀傲星工具箱,一个在线工具箱
easychen/howto-make-more-money - 程序员如何优雅的挣零花钱,2.0版,升级为小书了。Most of this not work outside China , so no English translate
xiaochong0302/course-tencent-cloud - 专注于网课系统,网校系统,在线教育系统,知识付费系统。名符其实的开源,可免费商用。docker容器化部署,极速搭建专属课程点播,课程直播学习平台。
PGYER/codefever - CodeFever 是完全免费开源的 Git 代码托管服务,支持一行命令安装到自己服务器!CodeFever Community Edition (A Self-hosted Git Services)!
helloxz/imgurl - ImgURL是一个简单、纯粹的图床程序,让个人图床多一个选择。
tisfeng/Easydict - 一个简洁优雅的词典翻译 macOS App。开箱即用,支持离线 OCR 识别,支持有道词典,🍎 苹果系统词典,🍎 苹果系统翻译,ChatGPT,DeepL,Google,Bing,腾讯,百度,阿里,小牛,彩云和火山翻译。A concise and elegant Dictionary and Translator macOS App for looking up words and translating text.
git-up/GitUp - The Git interface you've been missing all your life has finally arrived.
keycastr/keycastr - KeyCastr, an open-source keystroke visualizer
noah-nuebling/mac-mouse-fix - Mac Mouse Fix - Make Your $10 Mouse Better Than an Apple Trackpad!
Tencent/lemon-cleaner - 腾讯柠檬清理是针对macOS系统专属制定的清理工具。主要功能包括重复文件和相似照片的识别、软件的定制化垃圾扫描、可视化的全盘空间分析、内存释放、浏览器隐私清理以及设备实时状态的监控等。重点聚焦清理功能,对上百款软件提供定制化的清理方案,提供专业的清理建议,帮助用户轻松完成一键式清理。
milanvarady/Applite - User-friendly GUI macOS application for Homebrew Casks
ZzzM/CalendarX - A lightweight macOS app for displaying calendar and time
linearmouse/linearmouse - The mouse and trackpad utility for Mac.
glushchenko/fsnotes - Notes manager for macOS/iOS
pock/pock - Widgets manager for MacBook Touch Bar
hellokuls/macGPT - 一款ChatGPT for Mac原生客户端,一键下载!Develop a ChatGPT Mac client, not a web page integration.
coteditor/CotEditor - Lightweight Plain-Text Editor for macOS
Panl/AICat - Multiplatform Client for ChatGPT using SwiftUI, support iOS, iPadOS & MacOS
gbammc/Thor - Switch the right application ASAP.
exelban/stats - macOS system monitor in your menu bar
dexterleng/vimac - Productive macOS keyboard-driven navigation
Ranchero-Software/NetNewsWire - RSS reader for macOS and iOS.
dshnkao/SpaceId - macOS space indicator
chamburr/glance - 🔎 All-in-one Quick Look plugin
isaced/V2exOS - 一个用 SwiftUI 编写的 V2ex macOS/iOS/tvOS 客户端 (A V2ex macOS/iOS/tvOS client written in SwiftUI)
dwarvesf/hidden - An ultra-light MacOS utility that helps hide menu bar icons
foamzou/ITraffic-monitor-for-mac - Monitor for displaying process traffic on Mac Status bar
rxhanson/Rectangle - Move and resize windows on macOS with keyboard shortcuts and snap areas
kyleduo/TinyPNG4Mac - TinyPNG client for Mac
onmyway133/GifCapture - 🏇 Gif capture app for macOS
macmade/Hot - Hot is macOS menu bar application that displays the CPU speed limit due to thermal issues.
cmushroom/redis-pro - redis-pro redis 桌面管理工具
ninxsoft/Mist - A Mac utility that automatically downloads macOS Firmwares / Installers.
gao-sun/eul - 🖥️ macOS status monitoring app written in SwiftUI.
gee1k/uPic - 📤uPic is a native, powerful, beautiful and simple picture and file upload tool for macOS.
tw93/MiaoYan - ⛷ Lightweight Markdown app to help you write great sentences. ⛷ 轻灵的 Markdown 笔记本伴你写出妙言
MonitorControl/MonitorControl - 🖥 Control your display's brightness & volume on your Mac as if it was a native Apple Display. Use Apple Keyboard keys or custom shortcuts. Shows the native macOS OSDs.
lwouis/alt-tab-macos - Windows alt-tab on macOS
utmapp/UTM - Virtual machines for iOS and macOS
jacklandrin/OnlySwitch - ⚙️ All-in-One menu bar app, hide 💻MacBook Pro's notch, dark mode, AirPods, Shortcuts
eryajf/eryajf-dockerfile - 🏺 个人常用的Docker镜像汇总
jaywcjlove/reference - 为开发人员分享快速参考备忘清单(速查表)
GuillaumeFalourd/useful-actions - Curated list of useful Github actions with workflows examples 💡
eryajf/images - 容器镜像拉取
thinkingjimmy/Learning-Prompt - Free prompt engineering online course. ChatGPT and Midjourney tutorials are now included!
guaguaguaxia/weekly_report - 简单描述工作内容,帮你生成完整周报
gd4Ark/css-carousel - 纯HTML+CSS实现CSS轮播图功能
CrazyMelody/v2ex_style - V2EX自用美化css
ZekunC/Obsidian-Typora-Vue-Theme - A theme for Obsidian(https://obsidian.md/), inspired by typora-vue.
boopathikumar018/docsify-darklight-theme - A Dark and Light theme with switch for your docsify site
openai/openai-cookbook - Examples and guides for using the OpenAI API
dair-ai/Prompt-Engineering-Guide - 🐙 Guides, papers, lecture, notebooks and resources for prompt engineering
meilisearch/documentation - Meilisearch documentation
- phodal/understand-prompt - 【🔞🔞🔞 内含不适合未成年人阅读的图片】基于我擅长的编程、绘画、写作展开的 AI 探索和总结:StableDiffusion 是一种强大的图像生成模型,能够通过对一张图片进行演化来生成新的图片。ChatGPT 是一个基于 Transformer 的语言生成模型,它能够自动为输入的主题生成合适的文章。而 Github Copilot 是一个智能编程助手,能够加速日常编程活动。
zhuchunshu/SForum - SForum 是一个页面简洁且功能丰富的中文论坛程序
lsky-org/lsky-pro - ☁️兰空图床(Lsky Pro) - Your photo album on the cloud.
- winsw/winsw - A wrapper executable that can run any executable as a Windows service, in a permissive license.
- zonemeen/netease-recent-profile - 🎧 在 Github Profile 上显示你在网易云音乐上的听歌记录
- ripperhe/bob-popclip - 用于快捷调用 Bob 的 PopClip 插件
- tw93/weekly - 🩴 潮流技术周刊,记录我的不枯燥生活,每周一早发布~
- generated with simonecorsi/mawesome