
Track traffic to GitHub repo longer than 14 days

cirosantilli opened this issue ยท 119 comments

Ivan replied it is not currently possible.







++1 for me


+1 there are many people in my team who dearly want this data. Currently we manually parse the data into a csv and power our charts on a fortnightly basis. Would really appreciate api/ json data, even if its for 14 days.

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On Fri, Feb 19, 2016 at 6:13 PM -0800, "sanyamc-msft" <> wrote:

+1 there are many people in my team who dearly want this data. Currently we manually parse the data into a csv and power our charts on a forthnightly basis. Would really appreciate api/ json data, even if its for 14 days.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub





really need this data









This would be incredibly helpful especially for those maintaining open source libraries.

This is crazy, at least let the time period be 28 days!


I made a little web app that stores and plots traffic data for longer than 14 days. I'll be glad if someone finds it useful.

jcfr commented

@burnash Thanks for sharing, that is neat ๐Ÿ‘

Out of curiosity, do you plan to release the associated source code ? I was only able to find

Cc: @fedorov @thewtex @pieper



It seems like a bizarre restriction that other services like BitBucket do not have. It would be very useful


I want to know total unique visitors since the beginning. Why not with a backtrack range such as t=14 or t=99999?


ohld commented


+1. seriously github?



Obviously, its possible. And I am sure that they have this data for themselves.

I found this package to be very helpful in setting up archival for github traffic collection:

Just released a Laravel application that automatically fetches and persists repository traffic (visitors for now) on an daily basis and plots the data onto a chart.

Thank you for perfect project, Michael!
Could I ask you, if you have it somewhere installed? I not very fond to php/apache stack and would find it rather difficult to instantiate it somewher. May be we can use your instance somehow?

@M165437 I tried following instructions for your repo and ran into errors. Also, I'm only familiar with Python (not really PHP or Composer)

GitHub - can you PRETTY PLEASE add this feature? It is in high demand, most valuable to us users. It seems like if the data is available for past 2 weeks, it could be available for a longer period of time. It would be greatly appreciated! ๐Ÿ™

les commented


Ideally, the retention period would be from the creation of a repository until its deletion.

gfoss commented


sjlnk commented


Wait, can I make that +2?






People contribute open source because they want to help people, so it's gratifying to see a count of those people.



Can someone at GitHub confirm they've seen this suggestion to track traffic > 14 days?

@reshamas this is not an official GitHub issue tracker. It's basically a place for GitHub users to find solace that they are not alone being frustrated about certain GitHub issue.

You might want to read the README file of this repo, and make sure you added your voice by emailing GitHub support directly, as discussed in that README file:

Post an issue if you have an issue or feature request for GitHub. But you should also email, since this repo is strictly for our own (unofficial) tracking purposes. If they reply, (and they usually do, quickly) and if it is not a confidential matter like a security disclosure, add their reply to the issue so that other users can know what their official response was.



djl11 commented


ic0ns commented


butok commented


I made a little web app that stores and plots traffic data for longer than 14 days. I'll be glad if someone finds it useful.
@burnash This is cool. But doesn't have the Clone data. Can you add that too?
Also is the code available on GIT to contribute?

This is cool!

@geniusdibya I'd really like to try your tool, but allowing full read and write access to all my public repositories only to view my traffic history seems a bit too much, doesn't it?
Why do you need write access?

@timgrossmann I am not the author of repotraffic tool. Mine is --> Pepipost, a cloud based email delivery platform.
Actually, @burnash is the author of repotraffic. I just commented by quoting his reply :)

@geniusdibya I love this thread :)

Also, thank you for the feedback.

But doesn't have the Clone data. Can you add that too?

Maybe. It'd be a nice feature to have. And it's has been already requested ( and
I've been tracking my own open source project gspread for two years, but haven't really needed to track the number of clones.

Also is the code available on GIT to contribute?

Not yet. But I'm considering open sourcing it ( if I have enough time.


I'd really like to try your tool, but allowing full read and write access to all my public repositories only to view my traffic history seems a bit too much, doesn't it?
Why do you need write access?

Good question. In short: there's no way known to me to get the traffic data without the public_repo scope in an OAuth app. GitHub asks for read/write permission to access traffic data:

For repositories that you have push access to, the traffic API provides access to the information provided in the graphs section.

Full answer:

For those new to the thread: Repotraffic is an app that stores and plots traffic data for longer than 14 days.

@burnash Thank you for the answer and clarifying this.

That's pretty odd of github to ask for this.
I'm not really into allowing any platform to access my all my projects with owner right permissions...
Would've loved to use your tool.

Maybe at one point there will be a solution.


But doesn't have the Clone data. Can you add that too?

Maybe. It'd be a nice feature to have. And it's has been already requested (repotraffic/repotraffic-feedback#3 and repotraffic/repotraffic-feedback#7)
I've been tracking my own open source project gspread for two years, but haven't really needed to track the number of clones.

@burnash Actually, I want to track what is the real usage of my repo. And, clones/Fork data are got indicators.

Also is the code available on GIT to contribute?

Not yet. But I'm considering open sourcing it (repotraffic/repotraffic-feedback#6) if I have enough time.

@burnash Sure. Would love to contribute.

+1 for the original request

I made a little web app that stores and plots traffic data for longer than 14 days. I'll be glad if someone finds it useful.
@burnash This is cool. But doesn't have the Clone data. Can you add that too?
Also is the code available on GIT to contribute?

This works great!

Hi all, I made another open-source web app to record repo traffic, clones, referrers and more. Welcome to try it out

Repo Analytics