
Species dropdown isn't properly populated

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Trying to populate the species dropdown on page load so that users can select one or more species to limit searches to. While the code in the populateDropdown function works just fine (when called on dummy elements from newQuery, for example), I can't get the code to actually run on page load. It will likely have performance issues, but will deal with that when I come to it.

A searchable, multi-selectable datalist would probably be preferable, maybe this is a better solution: http://projects.sergiodinislopes.pt/flexdatalist/

Can search a JSON file directly, without need for loading. Would have to restructure the file a bit, but it might be worth a look.

Hi @j-andrews, Can you assign it to me?

Hi @luistangui, I actually continued working on this some last night and expect to have it resolved today. You are always welcome to submit a pull request for any of the other issues though!

I have to ask, how did you find this project?

48f94d6 partially resolved this - it just can't handle searching a 20 MB species file. Will have to parse it down a bit.

d21503e fully resolved this. Parsed down file. Now excludes a lot of the millions of types of bacteria, but should still have any species anybody should want. Also trivial to add new ones.