A general model-free off-policy actor-critic implementation. Continuous and Discrete Soft Actor-Critic with multimodal observations, data augmentation, offline learning and behavioral cloning.
- backhotion
- bAmpTBerlin
- BigRedDogeSWE Intern at The Hartford
- DefinitlyEvilEvil
- eli-davis
- ergo-zyhZhejiang University
- frankroederTUHH
- frietz58Autonomous Mobile Manipulation Lab
- hankerbit
- huchanwei123Texas A&M University
- jcj0000
- joel99New York, New York
- justwj
- jxmorris12New York, NY
- lian700
- liuqi8827Harbin Institute of Technology
- LostThinkerChina
- MHajkarim
- mohakbhardwajUniversity of Washington
- piepie1121
- right-chanKAIST
- Rowing0914LINE Corp
- seawee1Fraunhofer IIS
- ShaneFlandermeyerAdvanced Radar Research Center
- sjYoondeltarSeoul
- SSKKaiUniversity of Bristol
- StaminaTang
- VittorioGiammarinoLafayette, IN
- walzterBarcelona
- YannickVogt
- zanghyu
- ZhuxinZhang
- zichunxxChina