
TypeError: configureAK8963() missing 2 required positional arguments: 'mfs' and 'mode'

robert-meiner opened this issue · 2 comments

Dear Colleagues,

I am getting the following error, when attempting to write calibration values to the AK8963 in the Invensense MPU9250 module. I am able to calibrate the accelerometer and gyro.

  File "", line 232, in <module>
  File "", line 218, in main
  File "", line 142, in calmag
    mpu.configureAK8963() #resets the calibration values of the AK8963
TypeError: configureAK8963() missing 2 required positional arguments: 'mfs' and 'mode'

Here are the libraries I've imported:

  1 import sys
  2 import math
  3 import time
  4 from smbus2 import SMBus
  5 from mpu9250_jmdev.registers import *
  6 from mpu9250_jmdev.mpu_9250 import MPU9250

Here is the magnetometer calibration function in my test code-- when the error appeared, i created these clunky variables and got rid of a lot of other things to try to troubleshoot:

99 #normalize hard and soft iron biases of magnetometer -- robot needs to be waved in the air in figure 8 patterns for 30 sec.
100 def calmag (mpu):
101     global masterMag
102     global mbias
103     global magScale
104     magMax = [0,0,0] #placeholder for mag data
105     magMin = [0,0,0] #placeholder for min mag data
106     mbiasn = 0 #hard iron x bias value to be written to AK8963
107     mbiase = 0 #hard iron y bias value to be written to AK8963
108     mbiasd = 0 #hard iron z bias value to be written to AK8963
109     mscalen = 0 #soft iron x estimate to be written to AK8963
110     mscalee = 0 #soft iron y estimate to be written to AK8963
111     mscaled = 0 #soft iron z estimate to b written to AK8963
113     #write values to AK8963 magnetometer
114     mpu.configureAK8963() #resets the calibration values of the AK8963
115     mpu.configure()
116     mpu.bias = [mbiasn, mbiase, mbiasd] #write estimated hard iron biases
117     mpu.magScale = [mscalen, mscalee, mscaled] #write estimated soft iron biases
119     #print values
120     print("hard iron values ",mpu.mbias)
121     print("soft iron values ",mpu.magScale)
122     print("\n")
123     return

and here's where I call the function from main()

189     input("When you have the robot in your hand and are ready, press the return key")
190     calmag(mpu)

Running on headless raspberry pi 4b+ using debian buster

I'd appreciate your thoughts on how to resolve this. I haven't been able to find information on the positional arguments in the error message.

Thanks, Mark

@robert-meiner Check if in the construction of the MPU9250 object you are passing the parameters commented below:

mpu = MPU9250(
    mfs=AK8963_BIT_16, # Check this
    mode=AK8963_MODE_C100HZ # Check this

I just found the problem. In the instructions on the code page and on the project page (, the command to calibrate the AK8963 is given incorrectly.

The mistake is located under:


To perform calibration run the command:

    mpu.configureAK8963() # Calibrate sensors
    mpu.configure() # The calibration function resets the sensors, so you need to reconfigure them

    magScale = mpu.magScale # Get magnetometer soft iron distortion
    mbias = mpu.mbias # Get magnetometer hard iron distortion

The Command should be mpu.calibrateAK8963()

An easy mistake to make, when writing such detailed instructions. My code works now.

Thanks for looking into this-- things like this are always frustrating to track down,