A list of interesting genome visualizers, genome browsers, or genome-browser-like implementations
- Alamut (commercial)
- ATCC Genome Portal (commercial)
- CLC Genomics workbench (commercial)
- Ensembl genome browser
- GBrowse
- GBrowse 2
- GenomeMaps (used on ICGC)
- Golden Helix (commercial)
- IGV (java)
- IGV.js
- JBrowse
- MacVector (commerical)
- NCBI Genome Data Viewer
- Persephone (commercial)
- Trackster (in Galaxy)
- UCSC genome browser
- WashU epigenomics browser source
- ApE (a plasmid editor)
- Apollo (old desktop version)
- Apollo aka WebApollo
- 2020 Ensembl genome browser
- Artemis comparison tool (ACT)
- Biodalliance
- BrowseVCF
- Chip Monk
- Chipster
- cisGenome Browser
- CNVnator
- Consed
- CuteVCF
- DNASkittle
- EaSeq
- Epilogos
- Epiviz
- GenomeRibbon
- Genoverse
- Gnomad browser
- GWAS catalog browser at EBI
- Hawkeye
- Human genome dating (made with vega/d3)
- HiC browser - UCSC-based
- HiGlass
- IslandPlot (D3, SVG) (source)
- Juicebox
- Locuszoom
- LookSeq
- MagicViewer
- Parasight
- Pileup.js
- ProteinPaint
- PureScript genetics browser
- RNASeqBrowser UCSC-based
- SEQing
- Savant
- SNPitty
- Staden
- SplitThreader
- TASUKE - from RAP-DB
- Tablet
- Valis browser - used on encodeproject.org (uses webGL)
- Varsome
- WebAsm demo browser
- UCSC Xena
- Zenbu
- Aequatus
- Biodalliance comparative demo
- Chromatiblock
- CMap
- CoGe
- CVit
- Cvit.js
- CrossBrowse
- GBrowse_syn
- Genome context viewer
- MCScan (python version)
- MCScanX
- Multiple genome viewer (jax)
- progressiveMauve viewer
- Synteny browser (jax)
- Synima
- VISTA browser
- aCNVViewer
- AliTV
- BAMScale
- CNView
- Chimeraviz
- ChIA-Pipe
- ClustersPloter
- CNVPlot
- DNAPlotLib
- ExonIntron from WormBase
- FeatureViewer
- GGgenes
- GGsashimi
- genoPlotR
- Geneviz
- Genome STRiP
- GenomeTools
- GenomeView
- GSDraw
- Gviz
- Hagfish
- HiCPlotter
- JVarKit examples http://lindenb.github.io/jvarkit/BamToSVG.html
- Methplotlib
- RepViz
- Samplot
- SashimiPlot
- SparK
- SNPduo
- Spliceclust
- Sushi (R package)
- pyGenomeTracks
- svist4get
- svviz2
- svviz
- TnT
- trackViewer (R)
- Delly-maze
- Dot
- Dotplot
- Gepard
- Jdot
- LAST (package contains a dotplotter)
- Minidot
- Mummer (contains a GNUplot script for dotplotting)
- Redottable
- syntenyPlotByR
- chromoMap
- Ideogram HumanIdeogramLibrary
- eweitz/Ideogram
- KaryotypeSVG
- rnaseqview
- karyoploteR (R package)
- ASCIIGenome
- Alan
- Alv
- Bamcov
- BLAST+ <-- reading -outfmt 0 pairwise output is essentially a textual/command line bioinformatics tool
- Hapviz
- Sam2pairwise
- Samtools tview
- VizAln from HipSTR
Given some of the above definitions, human headable text files like BLAST output e.g. -outfmt 0 with the textual
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