Small collection of tools for performing quality control on coronavirus sequencing data and genomes
- AduboahenKumasi Centre for Collaborative Research in Tropical Medicine
- agmcarthurMcMaster University
- arturotorreso
- birdsgarden
- bjohnnyd
- druvusSweden
- edawson@nvidia
- evanbiederstedt
- fmaguireCommunity Health & Epidemiology / Computer Science, Dalhousie University
- george-githinjiKEMRI-Wellcome Trust Research Programme
- indexofireHZCDC
- iqbal-lab
- jaleezyyMcMaster University
- judyssisterPostdoc at Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- kapsakcj@theiagen
- leomrtns@UoL-SignalProcessingGroup
- lpmor22FIOCRUZ-BA
- lskatzCDC (work) + personal projects
- maskegger
- mattbisLondon, United Kingdom
- mbyottLondon
- mdperryUniversity of California, Santa Cruz
- mgopez@phac-nml
- MxrconUFPA - Universidade Federal do Pará
- nandr0idNoblis
- nknox
- paulstretenowichC3G
- peterk87Canadian Food Inspection Agency
- pharaohs-sonBiomeHub
- pmenzel@LaborBerlin
- pphectorMontreal, QC
- rebeelouiseUniversity of Liverpool
- smk508Albert Einstein College of Medicine
- thanhleviet@theiagen
- whoisjakeDevelopStuff, LLC
- will-rowe@grailbio