- 3
Linking of localizations does not work in v0.7.0
#492 opened by CKSpahn - 1
export as .csv for ThunderSTORM, The z (nm) column in the 3D data was incorrectly enlarged
#494 opened by 15927335750 - 0
Picasso Localize parameters explanation
#493 opened by AntKuzmenko - 9
- 6
- 2
Issue with localize function
#405 opened by Daan-Haas - 2
localize via command-line + mle fitting: sx == sy
#482 opened by MariusGlg - 1
- 9
Localization PSF width distribution has gaps
#447 opened by loekloek - 5
- 3
Command line error - conflicting subparser
#480 opened by mb1069 - 3
hdf2csv throws error that it is missing pytables
#435 opened by lilbutsa - 6
Concatenating/merging locs hdf5 files.
#431 opened by ajasja - 1
clusterfilter function of picassomodule
#449 opened by SoohyenJang - 1
z-position wrongly saved in csv files?
#436 opened by MNFHensgens - 1
- 2
Add support for tiff file names
#429 opened by ajasja - 1
Issue with clustering functions output
#428 opened by lilbutsa - 1
Writing localisation tables with added Z column
#406 opened by mb1069 - 3
- 1
- 3
Error while localizing spots with .ims files
#344 opened by annafasoli - 2
- 1
Errors with numpy version, then lack of PyQt5 when installing from source on Windows
#342 opened by cleterrier - 1
- 5
Pixel size as additional argument and batch export
#334 opened by agvesga - 2
KeyError: 'cpu_utilization'
#332 opened by smurkel - 2
Error when running 3d calibration routine
#328 opened by mb1069 - 3
.Tif loading error
#327 opened by CDGSU - 2
- 0
- 1
- 2
error in loading 3D calibration file v0.5.7
#314 opened by ShaulliX - 1
- 5
Failed installation in mac M1
#308 opened by agvesga - 2
- 1
Cannot open .tiff files on M1 Mac
#307 opened by aaliyari - 3
error in dbscan cmd
#305 opened by Z-Qing - 1
Choosing a "Custom" colormap in the Render module can't be cancelled and makes the module unusable
#298 opened by cleterrier - 3
Error opening TIF file
#295 opened by cleterrier - 1
- 4
- 12
Opening .tifs not acquired from uManager
#271 opened by KDBuchan - 1
Documentation for average3 module
#288 opened by GolgiWhillikers - 1
- 3
- 6
QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread
#270 opened by IrrelevantNameTom - 4
Pip installation problems M1 macOS
#258 opened by steinjohannes - 0
Z axis unit
#262 opened by ShaulliX - 0
Installing HDBSCAN
#246 opened by kaarjel