- 5
Tclose & TcloseAll not closing Terminal window
#271 opened by thewatts - 8
- 8
Python support
#273 opened by jkroes - 1
Support neoterm ID in Tmap - :[N]Tmap
#276 opened by pr4th4m - 1
Allow to set `neoterm_marker` to empty
#277 opened by petobens - 1
With g:neoterm_keep_term_open=0 or Tclose!, the buffer IDs keep incrementing upwards
#275 opened by kassio - 2
Neoterm ID not suffixed in buffer list
#272 opened by pr4th4m - 1
Command to list all open terminals
#269 opened by strboul - 1
How to change the default REPL?
#264 opened by strboul - 1
Tclear! doesn't work.
#267 opened by hituzi-no-sippo - 6
- 7
- 1
Tclear may not rely on keybindings
#263 opened by strboul - 2
How to use multiple commands
#261 opened by incoggnito - 3
Opens :terminal in new buffer, not in split
#257 opened by gegnew - 0
Window gets resized, even with neoterm_fixedsize = '1'
#255 opened by tuxflo - 10
[N]T... or t:neoterm_id problem?
#254 opened by monkoose - 3
Option to ignore neoterm buffers in the buffer list
#250 opened by tuxflo - 1
- 0
cannot open terminal with Topen ...
#251 opened by misakisuna705 - 0
Bug: neoterm size may be changed
#248 opened by serend1p1ty - 1
swapping repl/vim window
#253 opened by sk0427 - 0
- 3
[Bug] try to open deleted terminal buffer
#245 opened by hiberabyss - 4
T command failed with message 'Invalid channel id'
#244 opened by AllenDang - 5
After upgrade to HEAD, i got this error.
#243 opened by markwu - 2
- 1
- 0
:[N]T, using none exist N cause error
#242 opened by liujoey - 1
a better way to realize neoterm ID
#241 opened by liujoey - 1
Topen resizes vertically as well on vertical splits
#239 opened by frm - 1
Hoe to cleat history
#235 opened by misakisuna705 - 6
Make terms local to the tab they were opened from
#228 opened by devth - 1
Am I Using neoterm_open_in_all_tabs Correctly?
#232 opened by raisin-loaf - 0
Ability to change target of (neoterm-repl-send)
#231 opened by devth - 2
Topen just changes current filetype to neoterm and doesn't switch buffer in neovim
#229 opened by OliverKnights - 2
Topen resets unset env variable
#227 opened by petobens - 1
[Feature Request] Get the latest created or next terminal id without increasing it
#223 opened by daquexian - 4
Toggle terminal without entering it?
#222 opened by faurehu - 4
- 4
#211 opened by kassio - 0
In :T commands "%" is expanded to the name of the current file, making variable expansion in Windows impossible
#216 opened by dhazel - 0
- 1
Remapping CTRL-J in zsh causes <Enter> not to be sent while using :T <command>
#212 opened by arecarn - 1
[Feature Request/Question] Rerun last command
#210 opened by nwaywood - 4
Errors when exiting NeoVim.
#205 opened by inputfalken - 2
- 1
Notification for finished command
#207 opened by juanibiapina - 1
Define terminal window size
#206 opened by juanibiapina - 2