
Density / Fog Integration

markusmoenig opened this issue · 4 comments


any plans to integrate volumetric fog / general density support in the tracer ? The new Aerolod beta from ephtracy has great looking terrain fog, would love to achieve something similar.


Adding fog should be relatively straightforward as its just a homogeneous volume with some special handling for distant lights and maybe a better sampling technique to reduce noise.

I'll have a go at adding it once I get some free time :)

Great! But the fog would not be uniform but could be defined via a bounding box or something right ? That's how it looks with Aerolod (see the screenshots of ephtracies Twitter).

Raymarched varying densities would be fantastic 😅

I had a look at this demo of Aerialod: and it looks like a constant/uniform fog bound by the extents of the map and with a height decay control.

This looks similar to how other renderers handle global fog:

In the video, Aerialod doesn't appear to have any options to assign a texture to the fog (which would allow for varying densities and requires raymarching). This V-Ray example shows ray marched fog volume confined to geometry, but for global fog, a simple bounding box would make sense. Right now, I'm not quite sure how this would be implemented but would be a fun thing to work on :)


Do you have function pointers on GLSL ? I am on Metal or Rust / CPU and have them on both. So could create a callback to either read fog from a texture or calculate from height or ray march a texture or procedural noise.

If varying density is supported one could also create clouds with it like in Then it would be a full featured terrain renderer with fog / atmosphere and clouds.

But of course course constant fog with a height decay is also already great :)