Pinned issues
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Questions about object 3D model files
#1601 opened by GavinYang5 - 0
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Can you provide a dockerfile that contains the Python interface for compilation?
#1594 opened by GavinYang5 - 0
Python documentation build error
#1590 opened by rolalaro - 3
Can the target tracking method based on image point line features or Megapose based on image point line features be used for visual servos?
#1592 opened by GavinYang5 - 0
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Unable to include opencv in visp build
#1354 opened by saiakash - 2
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- 1
MAVSDK v2 compatibility
#1523 opened by sulibo - 3
Build fails for visp_java
#1414 opened by Euklios - 11
Static Build ViSP with 3rd parties
#1457 opened by Som5ra - 0
Compiling with Panda3D on Windows
#1567 opened by rolalaro - 1
servoUniversalRobotsPBVS.cpp:238:8: error: ‘class vpFeatureThetaU’ has no member named ‘buibuildFromld’; did you mean ‘buildFrom’? 238 | tu.buibuildFromld(cdMc);
#1541 opened by liujun0808 - 2
Unabled to use SIFT feature with opencv 4.5.4
#1552 opened by cleprt - 3
Dataset not detected when tests are disabled
#1519 opened by rolalaro - 1
OIS 3rdparty not detected during CMake configuration
#1546 opened by fspindle - 0
Build issue with Ogre 1.12.0 or more recent versions
#1547 opened by fspindle - 0
Unable to build a project with visp installed using brew
#1537 opened by fspindle - 6
Cannot find OpenCV path [Mac][Homebrew]
#1515 opened by sulibo - 0
Build issues with OpenCV 5.0.0
#1521 opened by fspindle - 2
UR3 IBVS control problem
#1507 opened by MohamedAssanhaji - 14
Segfault with vpCannyEdgeDetection with a certain image
#1487 opened by s-trinh - 11
Regarding the establishment of visp environment
#1343 opened by mike55688 - 0
vpMeLine is unable to seek extremities
#1495 opened by fspindle - 0
Memory management issue in vpArray2D::resize()
#1494 opened by fspindle - 0
Build issue around nlohmann_json usage with VTK 9.2.0 or more recent version used as an embedded 3rdparty by PCL
#1485 opened by fspindle - 1
Can you please provide the cpp and Cmakelists files for the example, thank you very much!
#1484 opened by jxx0350 - 17
Cannot create python bindings on windows
#1391 opened by Brohoya - 5
Can't find visp_mbt361.dll, visp_io361.dll, visp_core361.dll, visp_gui361.dll on Windows10 based on c++ install.
#1477 opened by LeonFight - 3
Documentation parsing error
#1420 opened by rolalaro - 1
Android Build Error with ViSP 3.6.x
#1460 opened by Som5ra - 8
model based tracking for a M12 bolt
#1455 opened by TAO-YT - 4
Failed to build VIISP megapose packages
#1423 opened by HalimELB - 1
Need help on PBVS ON UR5 for eye to hand
#1369 opened by viprob-ai - 0
Error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file
#1426 opened by viprob-ai - 0
Unable to detect Yarp 3.9.0
#1424 opened by fspindle - 1
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Compilation error when no GUI library is available
#1404 opened by rolalaro - 2
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apriltag detector on android
#1363 opened by ViokingTung - 0
Use homography as a visual feature
#1394 opened by angeelalg - 8
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Pose Estimation on Android
#1350 opened by ViokingTung - 0
SVD computation fails with Lapack when m < n
#1341 opened by fspindle