- 4
- 0
visp-ros vs visp integration with ur robot and camera for visual servoing
#38 opened by shrutichakraborty - 6
visp for ur
#3 opened by james2254 - 1
Implementation on VISP-doc tutorials with ROS
#36 opened by 22222140 - 1
The Homogeneous Matrix flMe maybe wrong.
#32 opened by allbluelai - 2
Cannot build
#30 opened by caesar753 - 1
- 5
Unable to build tutorial-ros-grabber "undefined reference to cv::Mat::Mat()"
#23 opened by giulio-pugliese - 1
- 1
/ws/devel/lib/ undefined reference to `KDL::Segment::setFrameToTip(KDL::Frame const&)'
#25 opened by RENFAN0706 - 4
When i "catkin_make -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release --pkg visp_ros" error: ‘E_MAX_ITERATIONS_EXCEEDED’ is not a member of ‘KDL::SolverI’
#19 opened by Ji1Xuan - 1
What is cMo_vec[0] and why are the coordinates of the desired points set like this?
#17 opened by allbluelai - 2
Is there any BUG in robots.set_flMe()?
#20 opened by allbluelai - 1
How can I communicate with CoppeliaSim?
#18 opened by allbluelai - 1
- 3
- 2
- 6
ros grabber - segmentation fault
#4 opened by cowboygary - 0
ros grabber - asus xtion Pro
#5 opened by OhmVision - 0
- 1
Cannot compile packages dependent on visp_ros
#10 opened by corot - 0
Unable to build tutorials
#9 opened by fspindle - 3
VISP_ROS support ros kinetic
#8 opened by CaffeMrDe - 2
Error with catkin_make
#7 opened by Gaspard-Bourgeois