- abduld
- AeroEng43
- amessingThe AI Institute
- arhikHyderabad
- bygreencnChina
- calgrayICRAR
- ckgt
- deep-programmer
- dplucenio@SimScaleGmbH
- facontidavidePicknik
- GoobleyUniversity of Glasgow
- hulegCambridge, MA
- icylordShenzhen
- jiguoruiFunction Energy
- kernelshreyakIndia
- lavaBerlin, Germany
- likevhenan china
- LordAlbiorGood Dog Games
- mayurbhangale@deliveryhero
- meetpsMountain View, CA
- MJSteil
- myd7349
- palikarKarlsruhe, Germnay
- pravnMontreal, Canada
- rgiot
- rhabal
- rocappRocky Branches, LLC
- rtzoellerALIARO
- schneithAutonomous Systems Lab, ETH Zürich
- serycjonPrague, Czech Republic
- thefonsecaUniversity of Edinburgh
- torfinnbersetBloomlife
- trevor-vincentPsiQuantum
- wkentaro@mujin
- xmfbitBytedance
- ykirpichevYandex