[NeurIPS 2023] RoboDepth: Robust Out-of-Distribution Depth Estimation under Corruptions
- 2
NYUDepth2-C is missing
#26 opened by Jiahao000 - 1
KITTI-C ground truth
#25 opened by dmn-sjk - 0
[datasets] Availability of the datasets
#24 opened by MarcSzafraniec - 1
Concerns about comparisons
#20 opened by DachunKai - 1
#15 opened by noobtoob4lyfe - 12
Problem running evaluate_kittic
#4 opened by olmerg - 2
- 1
the download link for kitti_c is not working
#12 opened by Han-SHS - 1
[Competition] ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (17281,) (17281,640)
#13 opened by xhqi0109 - 1
question about the GT
#14 opened by lai-pf - 7
- 2
[Competition] Valid data augmentation
#7 opened by hhuang-code - 3
[Competition] Error in online evaluation
#8 opened by doubleZ0108 - 9
track1 evaluate
#11 opened by Han-SHS - 1
- 3
Model_zoo.md is missing
#5 opened by miRemid - 2
- 10
[Competition] Question
#2 opened - 3