The reference design of EE113's final project (Digital integrated Circuit design Fall 2020) at ShanghaiTech University

EE113 4 bits PROCESSOR

Reference design of EE113's final project (Digital integrated Circuit design)

Project Description

An processor mainly has 5 parts : Program Counter(PC), Control Unit, Instruction Memory, Data Memory, Register File, Arithmetic Logic Unit(ALU). For a standard processor, we can use assembly language to program it and get the result we want. But, for this project, we just realize a few of basic assembly instructions :

1. ARITH: Operate ALU(Contain: ADD, SUB, AND, XOR)

2. LOAD: Load data from memory to register

3. STORE: Store data from register to memory

4. BEQ: Compare two number and jump to a special instruction line according to the compared result

5. JP: Jump to the special instruction line

This processor has 7 input ports : clear signal, 4 bits instruction memory address, 16 bits instruction memory data, instruction memory write enable signal, 4 bits data memory address, 8 bits data memory data and data memory write enable signal. The architecture of this processor is below:


For this processor, it needs some cycles to write instructions to instruction memory, and write data to data memory. Then, we send Clear signal to the processor to clear the register file and start Program Counter to execute the instructions in the instruction memory. Execution flow:

1. Write instructions to instruction memory(1 instruction per clock cycle)

2. Write data to data memory(4 bits per cycle)

3. Set Clear port to 1(Clear register file and start the processor)

4. Wait for the processor to finish execute instructions

5. Observe the result data in data memory

Assembly instruction:

All the legal instructions are 16 bits. For example:

0000 000 001 010 000 
0011 010 011 000 110 
0001 001 000 000 001 
0010 001 000 000 010 
0100 000 000 000 110 
Operate code Operate instruction
0000 ARITH (operate ALU)
0001 LOAD
0010 STORE
0011 BEQ
0100 JP

If the operate instruction is ARITH . We need compute flag to indicate which operation should ALU do.

0000 000 001 010 000 //(15:12) is operate code, (11:9) is register A address 
//(8:6) is register B address, (5:3) is register C address 
//and (2:0) is compute flag. 
//This code means: R2 = R0 + R1 
0000 RA_address RB_address RC_address Operation_flag 
//RC = RA Operation_flag RB 
ALU compute flag code ALU compute sign Operation
000 ADD RC = RA + RB
001 SUB RC = RA - RB
010 AND RC = RA & RB
011 XOR RC = RA xor RB

If the operate instruction is BEQ or JP . We need Instruction address to indicate which line should it jump.

0011 010 011 000 110 //(15:12) is operate code, (11:9) is register A address 
//(8:6) is register B address, (5:3) is 0 (unused) 
//and (2:0) is instruction memory address. 
//This code means, compare R2 and R3, if R2 == R3 then jump to 0x110 = 6 line. 
0011 RA_address RB_address 000 Instruction_memory_address 
//Compare RA and RB, if RA == RB then jump to Instruction_memory_address 
0100 000 000 000 110 //(15:12) is operate code, (11:3) is 0 (unused) 
//and (2:0) is instruction memory address. 
//This code means, just jump to 0x110 = 6 line. 
0100 000 000 000 Instruction_memory_address 
//Just jump to Instruction_memory_address 

If the operate instruction is LOAD or STORE . We need Data memory address to indicate which line should read or write.

0001 001 000 000 001 //(15:12) is operate code, (11:9) is register A address 
//(8:3) is 0 (unused) and (2:0) is data memory address. 
//This code means, load data in data memory(address is 001) to RA 
0001 RA_address 000 000 Data_memory_address 
//Load Data_memory_address's data to RA 
0010 001 000 000 010 //(15:12) is operate code, (11:9) is register A address 
//(8:3) is 0 (unused) and (2:0) is data memory address. 
//This code means, store RA to data memory(address is 010) 
0010 RA_address 000 000 Data_memory_address 
//Store RA to Data_memory(address is Data_memory_address) 

Basic requirement (40 points)

Realize the basic 4 bits ALU and 16x8 data SRAM .

图片 图片

You should connect ALU's Data_out port to Data Memory's Data port .

1. For ALU:

You must realize all the operations( ADD, SUB, AND, XOR ) above. And if DataA_in is equal to DataB_in , the output port Zero_flag must be 1 .

2. For Data Memory

This memory is Static Random Access Memory(SRAM) . The Address port controls which data you can read or write. Write enable signal controls whether you can write data to memory(if Write enable comes 1, then you can write, else you can just read ).

3. Top schematic

In this project, you must have 5 input ports and 2 output ports .

Input ports:

Port Name Data length
DataA_in 4 bits
DataB_in 4 bits
Control_flag 3 bits
Address 4 bits
Write_enable 1 bit

Output ports:

Port Name Data length
Zero_flag 1 bit
Data_out 4 bits

4. Execution flow

  1. Use ALU to compute the result and store them to data memory
  2. Observe whether the result in data memory correct


Bonus Task

You must complete the basic project at first, then the bonus!

Bonus 1 (5 points)

Add 4bits signed Multiplication to your ALU.

Instructions Code Operation
MUL 0000 RA_address RB_address RC_address 100 RC = RA * RB

Bonus 2 (5 points)

Add 8 bytes Register File to Basic Project .


Implement 2 additional instructions (LOAD, STORE) .

Input ports:

Port Name Data length
Ra_addr 3 bits
Rb_addr 3 bits
Data_addr 3 bits
Reg_write_enable 1 bit
Reg_clear 1 bit
ALU_control_flag 3 bits
Address 4 bits
Data 8 bits
Data_memory_write_enable 1 bit

Output ports:

Port Name Data length
Zero_flag 1 bit

Execution flow

  1. Write data to data memory
  2. Load some data to Register file
  3. Use ALU to compute the result (for example: R2 = R0 + R1)
  4. Store the data in Register file to Data memory
  5. Observe the data in Data memory


Bonus 3 (15 points)

Finish this 4 bits processor.

Instructions Code example
LOAD 0001 RA_address 000 000 Data_memory_address
STORE 0010 RA_address 000 000 Data_memory_address
BEQ 0011 RA_address RB_address 000 Instruction_memory_address
JP 0100 000 000 000 Instruction_memory_address
ARITH 0000 RA_address RB_address RC_address Operation_flag
ALU compute flag code ALU compute sign Operation
000 ADD RC = RA + RB
001 SUB RC = RA - RB
010 AND RC = RA & RB
011 XOR RC = RA xor RB

Execution flow:

  1. Write instructions to instruction memory (1 instruction per clock cycle)

  2. Write data to data memory (4 bits per cycle)

  3. Set Clear port to 1(Clear register file and start the processor)

  4. Wait for the processor to finish execute instructions

  5. Observe the result data in data memory


  • Supply voltage:

Find optimal VDD (0~2V) that minimizes clock period and energy

  • Implementation choices:

Use only static logic (CMOS, pass-transistor logic).

  • ALU operation:

The Input signal is two 4-bit signed numbers represented in 2’s complement format, the output should also be a signed number.

  • Layout:

You can use up to 5 metal layers .

Aspect ratio of the bounding box (long / short side) should be less than 1.5 .

  • Evaluation:

For bonus part, if you only compete schemetic without layout, you can achieve up to 40% points of each part.

Phase 1: Learning about Processor ( < 1 week)

a) Read the reference book we provide or other materials to know function of each part of processor , you should view the P1-P7 in video resources we provided to you, even you decide to only implement the basic task.

b) Decide what function you want to implement.

Phase 2: Choosing Topology / Circuit Style (1 week)

a) Design the logic diagram which can implement the tiny processor.

b) Choose logic style for the implementation. You may use any logic family you learnt from EE113.

c) Implement the schematic view of the tiny processor in Cadence.

Phase 3: Critical Path Delay Optimization ( < 1 week)

a) Check functionality of your design in Spectre.

b) Identify input vectors that will exercise critical path, and estimate its logical effort.

c) Size the gates for minimum delay (hand analysis).

d) Verify the critical path delay in Spectre under worst-case.

Phase 4: Layout and Verification in Spectre ( 1 - 2 weeks)

a) Create layout of the design and make sure it passes DRC and LVS.

b) Extract post-layout netlist and verify critical path in Spectre.

c) Submit pre-layout and post-layout netlists. We will run LVS on your design, and you should find the maximum frequency your CPU can run if you implement the bonus part.

Phase 4: Add more functions of your processor **** ( 1 - 2 weeks)

a) If you have extra time, you can add more functions to your design to realize a more complete processor.

Useful materials:

  1. For SRAM part: Read 12.1 and 12.2 (CMOS VLSI Design A Circuits and Systems Perspective by Weste and Harris) carefully, it even gives the layout of SRAM and other circuit you may need in your project.

  2. For CPU design (bonus 2):

    • Since the instruction of this project is MIPS-liked, if you don't know MIPS instructions, we suggest you to read 2.1-2.7 (Computer Organization and Design: The hardware/software interface MIPS edition)
    • To design the architecture of your single cycle CPU, refer to 4.1-4.4 (Computer Organization and Design: The hardware/software interface MIPS edition)
    • To design a piplined architecture, refer to 4.5-4.8 (Computer Organization and Design: The hardware/software interface MIPS edition)
  3. Some video resource :

    • 北京大学 《计算机组成》these videos introduce basic MIPS instructions and computer architecture, view P1->P7 ( Recommoned , even you only want to implement basic task), P27 -> P32( Optional , for bonus 2 basic single cycle CPU design), P32->P38 ( Optional , for bonus 4 piplined architecture)
    • SRAM CELL, a precise introduction of SRAM arrays.