
Assignments completed for my Robotic Sensing and Navigation course: Topics include ROS Drivers for GPS and IMU data analyses, UTM localization, RTK GPS, quaternion conversions, Allan Deviation, heading corrections, IMU dead reckoning, IMU localization, SIFT and image stitching.

Primary LanguagePython

Robotic Sensing and Navigation

This repo holds all labs completed for my Robotic Sensing and Navigation course (Spring 2022).

Lab Descriptions

Lab 1 --- GPS Analyzation

Error analyzation of both stationary and transient GPS data.

Report: LAB1_GPS_Driver&Analyzation/src/Lab1_Report.pdf


Main Folders + Files Description
src/Gps_driver/ Main folder of the ROS package, directly holding the CMakeLists.txt and package.xml files
src/Gps_driver/msg/GPS_msg.msg ROS .msg file used to publish the recorded data
src/Gps_driver/scripts/LAB1_publisher.py Main ROS publisher script used to publish data to the ROS node
src/analysis_scripts/ Holds the scripts used to analyze the recorded data
src/analysis_scripts/moving_analyzer.py Script used to analyze the transient GPS data
src/analysis_scripts/stationary_analyzer.py Script used to analyze the stationary GPS data
src/data/] Holds the raw data files in .bag and .txt files

Lab 2 --- RTK-GPS Analyzation

Error analyzation of both stationary and transient RTK-GPS data.

Report: LAB2_RTK-GPS_Driver&Analyzation/Lab2_Report.pdf


Main Folders + Files Description
src/Lab2_package/ Main folder of the ROS package, directly holding the CMakeLists.txt and package.xml files
src/Lab2_package/msg/Lab2_msg.msg ROS .msg file used to publish the recorded data
src/Lab2_package/scripts/Lab2_publisher.py Main ROS publisher script used to publish data to the ROS node
src/Lab2_package/analysis/ Holds the scripts used to analyze the recorded data
src/Lab2_package/analysis/moving_analyzer.py Script used to analyze the transient GPS data
src/Lab2_package/analysis/stationary_analyzer.py Script used to analyze the stationary GPS data
data/ Holds the raw data files in .bag and .txt files

Lab 3 --- IMU Analyzation

Error analyzation of stationary IMU data, including allan variance analysis.

Report: LAB3_IMU_Stationary/Lab3_Report.pdf


Main Folders + Files Description
src/lab3_package/ Main folder of the ROS package, directly holding the CMakeLists.txt and package.xml files
src/lab3_package/msg/IMU_msg.msg ROS .msg file used to publish the recorded data
src/lab3_package/scripts/lab3_publisher.py Main ROS publisher script used to publish data to the ROS node
src/analysis/ Holds the scripts used to analyze the recorded data
src/analysis/group_analyzer.py Script used to analyze the group collected stationary IMU data
src/analysis/individual_analyzer.py Script used to analyze the individually collected transient IMU data
src/analysis/allan_variance.m MATLAB script used to plot the allan variance plots of the stationary IMU data
data/ Holds the raw data files in .bag and .csv files

Lab 4 --- IMU Localization

Using IMU magnetometer, accelerometer, and angular data to plot the trajectory of a car ride. Implemented soft iron heading correction, yaw calculations from magnetometer data, velocity calculations from integrated accelerometer data, trajectory estimations via dead reckoning, and a calculation of the IMU placement with respect to the vehicle frame.

Report: LAB4_IMU+GPS_Localization/Lab4_Report.pdf


Main Folders + Files Description
src/lab4_package/ Main folder of the ROS package, directly holding the CMakeLists.txt and package.xml files
src/lab4_package/msg/IMU_msg.msg ROS .msg file used to publish the incoming IMU data
src/lab4_package/msg/GPS_msg.msg ROS .msg file used to publish the incoming GPS data
src/lab4_package/scripts/imu_data_pub_lab4.py ROS publisher script used to publish IMU data to the ROS node
src/lab4_package/scripts/gps_data_pub_lab4.py ROS publisher script used to publish GPS data to the ROS node
src/analysis/ Holds the script used to analyze the recorded data
src/analysis/analyzer.py Script used to perform all analyzations
src/data/ Holds the raw data files in .bag and .csv files

Lab 5 --- Image Stitching

Image stitching of murals across campus via Harris corner detectors and feature matching.

Report: Lab5_Image_Stitching/Lab5_Report.pdf Code: Lab5_Image_Stitching/EECE5554_Lab5.m

Mini Project

Mini project done on a meal delivery AMR, including feature, power, navigation and sensing analyses.

Report: Mini_Project/EECE5554_LukeDavidson_IndividualProject.pdf