ECCV2020 - Official code repository for the paper : Reconstructing NBA Players
- 1997cuiTianjin
- bokchoy-mianHuzhou Vocational & Technical College
- chances-is
- dihuangdhZhejiang University
- fly51flyPRIS
- fyhteaHangzhou
- gdebenedettiSports Analytics World
- ggsonic
- glennliuHong Kong University of Science and Technology
- haisenzhaoShandong University
- HarveyLiuFly
- hongsukchoiUC Berkeley
- jfzhang95National University of Singapore
- JiamingSuenZJU-3DV
- jianglongyeUC San Diego
- junzhezhang
- krmiddlebrookSan Diego
- lawy623HKUST(GZ)
- LinHuang17
- lRomulSportradar
- lyupei
- MeFri
- MercurialzhangShanghai Jiao Tong Univ
- michalwolsNew York
- raypineZhejiang University
- royorel
- seokgVisual Media Lab, KAIST
- sheiunTaiwan
- shinxgPhD @ ICT and B.S @ HUST
- shumingcongCUMT
- spicer-c
- tommaoerICT, CAS
- Trouble404
- wangzheallenComputer Vision Researcher
- yinger650Beijing
- zhangyahu1Northwestern University