- 1
New EntityType value to identify composed entities
#402 opened by gouttegd - 7
- 2
`poetry install` fails
#397 opened by cthoyt - 5
Front page of SSSOM website desperately needs to list what the columns in an SSSOM file are/can be
#392 opened by cthoyt - 0
Clarify the description of `mapping_provider`
#400 opened by matentzn - 19
Considerations on interoperability and evolution
#325 opened by gouttegd - 41
Dealing with non-standard slots
#328 opened by gouttegd - 0
Docs: `predicate_label` examples -> `predicate_id`
#369 opened by joeflack4 - 0
Deprecate semantic_similarity_* slots in favour of the more generic similarity_* slots
#385 opened by matentzn - 7
The spec/doc should be reorganised
#330 opened by gouttegd - 17
JSON serialisation format is woefully underspecified
#321 opened by gouttegd - 28
New slot mapping_id
#359 opened by nichtich - 21
Clarify meaning of slots that exist both at mapping-level and at mapping set-level
#305 opened by gouttegd - 0
- 6
Issues with the specification “overview”
#283 opened by gouttegd - 2
- 3
How to associate labels to ids in repeated slots
#344 opened by dr-shorthair - 4
The SSSOM/TSV spec should specify how to deal with tab characters in the TSV section
#342 opened by gouttegd - 3
- 2
- 2
- 3
Shouldn't URL of the dataset also be included?
#351 opened by entin-hun - 6
Add recommended pronunciation to FAQ
#352 opened by DavidFichtmueller - 2
- 7
Similarity Score - usage question
#348 opened by dr-shorthair - 2
- 15
[New metadata element]: status
#345 opened by dr-shorthair - 7
Capturing the time of mapping review
#309 opened by gouttegd - 1
How to order repeated slots in TSV
#343 opened by dr-shorthair - 1
- 0
- 2
Create a _development snapshot_ release of sssom schema with pydantic instead of regular data classes
#337 opened by matentzn - 4
Encoding license information (or lack thereof)
#336 opened by gouttegd - 0
Add custom jinja templates for the rendering of the SSSOM docs (slots, classes, index)
#332 opened by matentzn - 13
Breaking change: correcting the definition of `subject_type` and `object_type`
#323 opened by matentzn - 0
How to document the source of background knowledge when using sempav:BackgroundKnowledgeBasedMatching
#329 opened by matentzn - 6
- 1
- 1
- 1
Landing page needs high-level motivation
#313 opened by cthoyt - 1
Where should the sssom metadata elements (*) redirect to?
#312 opened by matentzn - 0
- 5
Document interpretation of mappings in data analysis
#310 opened by sbello - 0
- 1
Missing property on web page
#293 opened by jonquet - 0
Add guide for tool implementors
#297 opened by matentzn - 3
Add sssom_schema.yaml to projects/
#301 opened by puja-trivedi - 0
[New metadata element]: similarity_threshold
#296 opened by matentzn - 4
Document the SSSOM release pipeline
#288 opened by matentzn - 2