- alstrupArea9
- Bohdan-KhomtchoukIndiana University Indianapolis
- chxii
- CuthbertJungle
- d-bohnThe University of Chicago, Booth School of Business
- dcgerardAmerican University
- ddofer@SparkBeyond @LinialLab @Comocomo
- dleutnantEmschergenossenschaft/Lippeverband
- epwalshCentral Oregon
- fawda123TBEP
- FidelCastilloAxesor
- gaocegege@TensorChord
- ghosthamletThe Rest Is Silence of Code
- gokhanyu
- hellcoderzComcast - Voice Search for Xfinity - Natural Language Processing
- HowieHao
- idibidiart
- ihmuir
- johnfryeBoise, ID
- junhewkYonsei University
- jvalinsky
- kprimice
- lancastdw
- LchiffonShanghai China
- leeperLondon, United Kingdom
- mihaitodorRedpanda Data
- rampje
- rdrr1990Stanford University
- RMHogervorstNetherlands
- shukwong
- smeeTrianel GmbH
- snormore@fleek-network
- sshen82
- wfn
- wjhrdy@RedHatOfficial
- XiangyunHuang@cosname