Codes of MVSFormer++: Revealing the Devil in Transformer’s Details for Multi-View Stereo (ICLR2024)
- CC9310
- chexenia
- cocowy1City University of HK
- countywestNAVER LABS
- dysenustc
- ewrfcasFdu
- guohengkaiByteDance Inc
- Gwencong
- haziqjeelaniClaremont Graduate University
- JeffCarpenterCanada
- KKFlag
- lbg030Dongguk University
- LuckyOne09
- maybeLx
- MillX2021
- QingfengLi-hitHIT
- SaixiaomaChongqing University
- SharpilessBeijing Institute of Technology
- spacewalk01
- starlighttt123
- swengeler
- tornadomeetChina
- TouchDeeperSouth China University of Technology
- TQTQliuHuazhong University of Science and Technology
- txOdyssey
- walsvidByteDance
- WenM1222
- wsmtht520
- wushwiei0775
- xingchen2022Beijing Institute of Technology
- YiChenCityUCity University HK
- yotofu
- YuhsiHuGraz University of Technology
- yuxuanzhou97Wuhan University
- ZN-ning
- zw-ruanBeijing China