
A collection of interesting Trilium Notes extensions. Including themes, widgets, scripts, API extensions, etc.

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


A curated list of awesome Trilium Notes extensions. Including themes, widgets, scripts, API extensions, ETAPI, etc.

You are welcome to add cool stuff about Trilium Notes here.

Table of Contents


Great themes!

Sharing Theme

Themes that can be used in shared notes!


Little widgets that can make big difference!



Caution! Scripts are executable codes. Use them with care!

  • Startup message A quite simple script. Display a random message. Set #run=frontendStartup to run it when Trilium startup. Just like a MOTD(Message of the day) message :)


API extensions

More magic!

Caution! The plugins in this category involves custom request handlers (user defined APIs). Use them with care!


Trilium's ETAPI related stuff

ETAPI client

  • trilium-py Python client for ETAPI of Trilium Note with some extra cool features.

ETAPI programs


  • trilium-translation The unofficial translation project for Trilium. For now, a Chinese translation is completed.


You are welcome to fork and contribute to this repo.

The Table of Contents part is generated by https://github.com/ekalinin/github-markdown-toc. Then formatted by save actions in PyCharm.