
Rails Api Ecommerce application

Primary LanguageRuby

Ruby On Rails E-commerce API

Table of Contents


This is one of my E-commerce API app implementations. It is written in Ruby On Rails. This is not a finished project by any means, but it has a valid enough shape to be git cloned and studied if you are interested in this topic. If you are interested in this project take a look at my other server API implementations I have made with:

Full-stack Applications

E-commerce (shopping cart)

Server side implementations

The next to come are:

  • Spring Boot + Spring Data Hibernate + Kotlin
  • Spring Boot + Jax-RS Jersey + Hibernate + Kotlin
  • Spring Boot + mybatis
  • Spring Boot + mybatis + Kotlin
  • Asp.Net Web Api v2
  • Elixir
  • Golang + Beego
  • Golang + Iris
  • Golang + Echo
  • Golang + Mux
  • Golang + Revel
  • Golang + Kit
  • Flask + Flask-Restful
  • AspNetCore + NHibernate
  • AspNetCore + Dapper

Client side implementations

This client side E-commerce application is also implemented using other client side technologies:


Server side implementations

The next to come are:

  • Spring Boot + Spring Data Hibernate + Kotlin
  • Spring Boot + Jax-RS Jersey + Hibernate + Kotlin
  • Spring Boot + mybatis
  • Spring Boot + mybatis + Kotlin
  • Asp.Net Web Api v2
  • Elixir
  • Golang + Beego
  • Golang + Iris
  • Golang + Echo
  • Golang + Mux
  • Golang + Revel
  • Golang + Kit
  • Flask + Flask-Restful
  • AspNetCore + NHibernate
  • AspNetCore + Dapper

Client side

The next come are

  • Angular NgRx-Store
  • Angular + Material
  • React + Material
  • React + Redux + Material
  • Vue + Material
  • Vue + Vuex + Material
  • Ember

Simple CRUD(Create, Read, Update, Delete)

Server side implementations

Client side implementations

The next come are

  • Angular NgRx-Store
  • Angular + Material
  • React + Material
  • React + Redux + Material
  • Vue + Material
  • Vue + Vuex + Material
  • Ember
  • Vanilla javascript

CRUD + Pagination

Server side implementations

The next come are

  • NodeJs Express + Knex
  • Flask + Flask-Restful
  • Laravel + Fractal
  • Laravel + ApiResources
  • Go with Mux
  • AspNet Web Api 2
  • Jersey
  • Elixir

Client side implementations

The next come are

  • Angular NgRx-Store
  • Angular + Material
  • React + Material
  • React + Redux + Material
  • Vue + Material
  • Vue + Vuex + Material
  • Ember
  • Vanilla javascript

Social media links

  • Youtube Channel I publish videos mainly on programming
  • Blog Sometimes I publish the source code there before Github
  • Twitter I share tips on programming


I have mass of projects to deal with so I make some copy/paste around, if something I say is missing or is wrong, then I apologize and you may let me know opening an issue.

Getting started

  1. Git clone the project
  2. cd into the project
  3. bundle install to make sure you install al the dependencies
  4. then run rails db:create db:seed to create and seed the database
  5. run the app with rails server -p 8080
  6. Import api.postman_collection.json into postman and issue the requests by yourself -)


  • Authentication / Authorization
  • Paging
  • Admin feature
  • CRUD operations on products, comments, tags, categories, addresses Fetching products page
  • Orders, guest users may place an order Database diagram

What to learn

  • Rail API application
  • Active Record, the rails ORM framework
    • associations: belongs_to, has_many, belongs_to_many
    • validations
  • JSON builder for rails


  • Refactor the horrible orders_controller:create method
  • Review all the Database queries, are they vulnerable to SQLi ?
  • Narrow down the routes available, I rely on resources: but I have some of the resource methods not used
  • Dockerize this application