- 0
- 1
Links containing brackets aren't treated as links
#579 opened by jsoref - 0
- 0
After restarting sarif viewer popped open dozens of dialogs asking to log into github
#577 opened by jsoref - 1
VS Code is spawning 100's of rg processes
#573 opened by Jason3S - 4
- 1
Inefficient: VS Code becomes laggy even in workspace without any SARIF files
#527 opened by ashsam925 - 1
Do NOT open the SARIF after commit.
#549 opened by pelikhan - 0
Not rendering links correctly in message.markdown
#569 opened by thisisnaty - 3
Opening more than two files shows repeated results
#564 opened by mzyKi - 1
File with emoji isn't found
#568 opened by jsoref - 1
`LOGS (1)` tab seems useless
#541 opened by jsoref - 1
Wrong rule ID link
#537 opened by murlex - 1
wrong rule id
#567 opened by jsoref - 2
100% cpu usage
#548 opened by cosdon - 1
Refresh results after new scan?
#543 opened by agesome - 0
how the integration with github code scanning works?
#563 opened by SVilgelm - 1
- 0
Publish SARIF to Open VSX
#547 opened by noraj - 0
Add the ability to display the uri of an artifact instead of the one linked by a provided index.
#545 opened by jnix-abk - 0
Internal Content is not properly displayed
#544 opened by jnix-abk - 0
`No results found with provided filter criteria` doesn't make sense when there are no results
#542 opened by jsoref - 0
Navigation in the results tree by arrow key should scroll to keep selection in view
#540 opened by jsoref - 0
- 1
Bad contrast between `link` (and text) in message and `background` in `selected row`
#534 opened by jsoref - 3
- 0
column offset treated as character offset for line number 1 pinned sarif report where line is too short to contain offset
#536 opened by jsoref - 1
Missing CodeFlows. When there are two or more CodeFlows in one result, only show one.
#505 opened by yuligesec - 2
command 'sarif.toggleDrift' not found
#529 opened by jsoref - 0
- 0
Convert to using `openRepository` API
#525 opened by aeisenberg - 1
Adding Triaging options
#497 opened by rb-x - 3
Editor becomes really slow
#517 opened by bacebu4 - 0
- 1
Extension-provided uriBase is ignored
#506 opened by winstliu - 1
Set sarif file via configuration
#503 opened by noaxie - 0
Feature request: Directory watcher
#507 opened by bryanburke - 21
Entering any text in any file is causing numerous launches of rg.exe processes causing global system slowdown
#472 opened by theficus - 1
Feature Request: Enable to customize what to show under "INFO" tab of SARIF Results
#501 opened by tmx-iiyama - 0
Feature request: Sorting results by path
#500 opened by StephanTLavavej - 0
- 1
- 1
- 0
- 0
[Feature Request] Detailed display for "ThreadFlowLocation" in "Analysis Steps"
#490 opened by BowenBao - 1
"File names must match: " - case sensitive?
#486 opened by samyun - 1
Cannot navigate to subfolder path
#489 opened by vovikhangcdv - 0
Support GitHub Enterprise Server Code QL Scanning
#482 opened by wreiske - 0
- 3
Support VS Code commands in description
#468 opened by winstliu