
Add biplot methods for pca family

aljabadi opened this issue · 1 comments

Currently stats::biplot is being used with prcomp class for pca family which is limited and does no support cutoff etc. Ideally, the output would be a ggplot object which can be (further) customised by users.
We should see if we need to drop the prcomp class from pca objects next.

This is what we have implemented in 8a6c004:

pca.mtcars <- pca(mtcars, ncomp = 2, scale = TRUE)
# seed for reproducible geom_text_repel

## cutomise ggplot in an arbitrary way
biplot(pca.mtcars) + theme_linedraw() + 
    # add vline
    geom_vline(xintercept = 0, col = 'green') +
    # add hline
    geom_hline(yintercept = 0, col = 'green') +
    # customise labs
    labs(x = 'Principal Component 1', y = 'Principal Component 2')

## group samples
biplot(pca.mtcars, group = mtcars$cyl, legend.title = 'Cyl')

## customise variable labels
       var.names.col = color.mixo(2),
       var.names.size = 4,
       var.names.angle = TRUE

## no arrows
biplot(pca.mtcars, group = mtcars$cyl, legend.title = 'Cyl', 
       var.arrow.col = NULL, var.names.col = 'black')

## add x=0 and y=0 lines in function
biplot(pca.mtcars, group = mtcars$cyl, legend.title = 'Cyl', 
       var.arrow.col = NULL, var.names.col = 'black', 
       vline = TRUE, hline = TRUE)

## example with spca
spca.mtcars <- spca(mtcars, ncomp = 2, scale = TRUE, keepX = c(8, 6))
biplot(spca.mtcars, var.names.col = 'black', group = mtcars$gear, 
       legend.title = 'Gear')

Created on 2020-09-16 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)