- 0
Common data sending may be fully parallel
#334 opened by mschubert - 0
Accidental data sending via closures
#333 opened by mschubert - 4
- 3
- 9
- 2
seurat v5 => Error in [[<*tmp*, field, value = new("Seurat", assays = list(: replacement has 5000 rows, data has 1
#331 opened by nick-youngblut - 2
Specify ports used by zeromq
#328 opened by dankessler - 3
clustermq 0.9.3 worker stats NA?
#325 opened by luwidmer - 2
- 6
- 0
Cleanup issues
#323 opened by mschubert - 4
cannot customize ports in ssh options
#296 opened by weizhu365 - 2
Clustermq 0.8.96 fails with error on `foreach ... %dopar% ...` in Jupyter lab R console/notebooks
#271 opened by efremale - 6
- 6
- 3
- 3
recv() hangs on Mac OS
#321 opened by wlandau - 0
`max_calls_worker` argument is not functional
#322 opened by mschubert - 3
Memory options missing from SGE template
#298 opened by nickholway - 3
Running multiple jobs on SLURM scheduler through SSH
#320 opened by wardfont - 3
- 4
new feature making clustermq "pipeable"
#318 opened by wds15 - 3
clustermq was removed from CRAN?
#317 opened by luwidmer - 23
Simple receive hangs on macOS
#311 opened by mschubert - 9
- 8
Q() segfaults on Windows & Linux with multiprocess scheduler with clustermq 0.9.0
#308 opened by luwidmer - 4
- 14
`v0.9.0` backwards compatibility
#303 opened by mschubert - 1
- 0
Error/warning summary does not prioritize correctly
#304 opened by mschubert - 4
(develop) torque/PBS- In worker cleanup, seems to be sending job names instead of PBS ids (Apparent regression of #186)
#265 opened by strazto - 0
- 0
- 0
common data warning message
#287 opened by wlandau - 11
Job port is set to NA after binding failure
#270 opened by statquant - 3
- 2
Segfault with purrr 1.0.0
#295 opened by wlandau - 1
More user friendly timeouts
#293 opened by multimeric - 7
SGE submission fails due to invalid parallel environment in default template
#288 opened by nickholway - 7
SGE template: defaulting to user R path?
#277 opened by nick-youngblut - 3
Nonstandard R path via SSH
#281 opened by mschubert - 2
some progress with future.clustermq
#282 opened by michaelmayer2 - 1
- 2
Question about the R session on the worker
#276 opened by ImNotaGit - 0
(develop) : submodules not pulled in configure
#263 opened by strazto - 2
Q_rows fails with log_worker=F
#272 opened by dleopold - 3
- 2
- 6
- 5
SLURM starts jobs, but they don't finish
#259 opened by mhesselbarth