Udacity Computer Vision Nanodegree: Personal Notes
These are my personal notes taken while following the Udacity Computer Vision Nanodegree.
The nanodegree is composed of these modules:
- Introduction to Computer Vision
- Cloud Computing (Optional)
- Advanced Computer Vision and Deep Learning
- Object Tracking and Localization
Each module has a folder with its respective notes; you need to go to each module folder and follow the Markdown file in them.
Additionally, note that:
- I have also notes on the Udacity Deep Learning Nanodegree in my repository deep_learning_udacity; that MOOC is strongly related and has complementary material. I have many hand-written notes in deep_learning_udacity related to this repository, too.
- The exercises are commented in the Markdown files and linked to their location; most of the exercises are located in other repositories, originally forked from Udacity and extended/completed by me:
Udacity requires the submission of a project for each module; these are the repositories of the projects I submitted:
- Facial Keypoint Detection with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs): P1_Facial_Keypoints.
- Image Captioning: Image Description Text Generator Combining CNNs and RNNs: image_captioning.
- Landmark Detection & Tracking (SLAM): slam_2d.
Practical Installation Notes
You need to follow the installation & setup guide from CVND_Exercises, which can be summarized with the following commands:
# Create new conda environment to be used for the nanodegree
conda create -n cvnd python=3.6
conda activate cvnd
conda install pytorch torchvision -c pytorch
conda install pip
# Go to the folder where the Udacity DL exercises are cloned/forked,
# after forking the original repo
cd ~/git_repositories/CVND_Exercises
pip install -r requirements.txt
Mikel Sagardia, 2022.
No guarantees.
If you find this repository helpful and use it, please link to the original source.