
Implementation of Generatve Adversarial Imitation Learning (GAIL) for classic environments from OpenAI Gym.

Primary LanguagePython

Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning for gym environments


This repository provides a TensorFlow implementation of Generatve Adversarial Imitation Learning (GAIL) and Behavioural Cloning (BC) for classic cartpole-v0 environment from OpenAI Gym. (based on Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning, Jonathan Ho & Stefano Ermon.)


Gym environment

  • CartPole-v0
  • State: Continuous
  • Action: Discrete

Implementation of GAIL:

Step: 1 Generate expert trajectory data

Reinforcement Learning algorithm: PPO, is used for generating the expert trajectory data for the CartPole-v0 environment.

python3 run_ppo.py

Step: 2 Sample the expert trajectory data from the PPO generated trajectories.

python3 sample_trajectory.py

Step: 3.1 Execute Imitation Learning - GAIL.

python3 run_gail.py  

Step: 3.2 To run behavioral cloning

python3 run_behavior_clone.py

Step: 4 Test trained policy for GAIL

python3 test_policy.py

Tensorboard Plots:

Training and Testing results for GAIL

Note: If you want to test bc policy, specify the number of model.ckpt-number in the directory trained_models/bc

For example to test behavioral cloning:

python3 test_policy.py --alg=bc --model=1000


This repository provides a Pytorch implementation of Generatve Adversarial Imitation Learning (GAIL) for bipedwalker-v2 environment from OpenAI Gym.

Gym environment

  • Bipedwalker-v2

  • State space (Continuous): (1) hull angle, (2) angular velocity, (3) horizontal speed, (4) vertical speed, (5) position of joints (6) joints angular speed, (7) legs contact with ground, and (8) lidar rangefinder measurements

  • Action: joint motor torques

PPO generated expert trajectories:

Imitation learning based on GAIL
