- 1
No README file for the installation from source
#61 opened by mkazanov - 1
Are binaries for MAC ARM silicon available?
#60 opened by mkazanov - 4
truncated file error
#59 opened by jeremysutherland - 2
Error to install requirements.txt
#58 opened by Completex - 2
missing scaffold names on sam header
#57 opened by cst-rmrz - 2
magicblast can't parse the header of database
#56 opened by Rinoahu - 3
Mistakes on small introns
#54 opened by sunriseTM - 1
Error while running magicblast
#52 opened by pablomics-star - 4
- 10
- 12
- 9
- 13
Magicblast do not deal with short reads correctly.
#31 opened by y9c - 2
Distant homology searches
#48 opened by manu-script - 4
- 3
Update version in Bioconda
#33 opened by manu-script - 4
Meaningful MAPQ values would be excellent.
#39 opened by JohnUrban - 1
Splice alignment for prokaryotes genome
#25 opened by StephenLi55 - 3
- 4
problems with really short exons (10-6 bp)
#15 opened by HegedusB - 3
- 3
fasta header handling, non-canonical splice site detection, strand information coding
#16 opened by HegedusB - 1
magicblast against nt database
#24 opened by yeroslaviz - 2
request fo .gz inputs (fastq.gz especially)
#23 opened by FTouzain - 3
-fr and -rf flags for strand specific RNA-seq
#21 opened by asethi-1 - 2
- 2
Confusion of output
#11 opened by Edison2021 - 11
Weird behavior of magicblast: read from the reference can not be aligned to the same reference genome
#8 opened by xie186 - 2
Include citation information
#1 opened by Benjamin-Lee