:chart_with_upwards_trend: The package allows you to check the similarity between two shapes/curves, using Frechet distance together with Procrustes analysis.
- Anchor680
- BobLdLondon
- CezarCretuBucharest
- coolhaiyang
- coolraycode
- danylaksonoCity, University of London
- ealwen
- ernie-yHong Kong
- frosinastojanovskaEMBL
- gchling
- halyangx
- itanfengSichuan University
- JackHaoyingZhouJohns Hopkins University | Worcester Polytechnic Institute
- jiuriH
- leomonwei
- liuxiaohui7537
- Lowfeye
- lyh458Guangdong University of Technology
- malakeelOttawa, Canada
- pyniSJTU,NUS
- q167937
- Qi2013
- SergeSarkis
- shrine1112
- soorajsunilUniversity of Windsor
- ssytech
- thsForShare
- wuxutaoDongwu
- wxyer
- xd21303
- Yao-975
- yaodix
- zhengmour
- zhongerUniversity of Tsukuba
- zou-mono
- zytanghui