verilog HDL(Hardware Description Language) Basic Gates NOT OR AND NAND NOR X-OR X-NOR Flip-Flop JK D T Master-Slave Adder half-adder full-adder full adder using half adder 4-bit Ripple carry adder carry look ahead adder Subtractor half subtractor full subtractor Adder-Subtractor 4 bit adder-subtractor Comparator 2 bit magnitude comparator Code converter Binary to Gray Gray to Binary BCD to Excess-3 Excess-3 to BCD Encoder and Decoder 3 to 8 decoder 8 to 3 encoder Multiplexer 2 to 1 mux 4 to 1 mux 8 to 1 mux Counter Asynchronous 4 bit ripple counter mod-10 asynchronous counter Synchronous 4 bit random sequence synchronous counter Synchronous UP-Down Counter