
Cannot find any reads matching: "mypath/sampleID_*.fastq.gz"

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I am using the program with the following command:

nextflow run -profile singularity --input "/home/1_sequencing/sampleA/sampleA*fastq.gz"

And I am getting these errors:

Cannot find any reads matching: /home/1_sequencing/sampleA/sampleA*fastq.gz
NB: Path needsto be enclosed in quotes!
NB: Path requires at least one * wildcard!
If this is single-end data, please specify --single_end on the command line.

I'm already quoting the path to the fastq files and using one wildcard, as you can see. Moreover, I've also tryed to add to $PATH the path to the fastq files, but I get the same error. Do you know how can I solve this?


Okay, I've solved it using single quotes and modifying the wildcards:

nextflow run -profile singularity --input '/home/1_sequencing/sampleA/sampleA*_R{1,2}.fastq.gz'