Pipeline completed without hla_run_result.tsv file
giovianco opened this issue · 2 comments
giovianco commented
I'm launching the follow command line:
MacBook-Air-de-Juan:Test_1 JBH$ /Users/JBH/VHIO/Apps/nextflow run -r 1.0.0 nf-core/hlatyping --reads '/Users/JBH/VHIO/Data/*.bam' --bam --index data/indices/yara/hla_reference_dna -profile standard,docker --max_memory '7.GB' --max_cpus '2'
N E X T F L O W ~ version 19.01.0
Launching `nf-core/hlatyping` [kickass_swartz] - revision: 41d7b6baf7 [1.0.0]
WARN: There's no process matching config selector: fastqc
nf-core/hlatyping v1.0.0
WARN: Access to undefined parameter `readPaths` -- Initialise it to a default value eg. `params.readPaths = some_value`
Run Name : kickass_swartz
Reads : /Users/JBH/VHIO/Data/*.bam
Data Type : Paired-End
File Type : BAM
IP solver : glpk
Enumerations : 1
Beta : 0.009
Prefix : hla_run
Max Memory : 7.GB
Max CP Us : 2
Max Time : 10d
Output dir : ./results
Working dir : /Users/JBH/VHIO/Tests/Test_1/work
Container : nfcore/hlatyping:1.0.0
Pipeline Release: 1.0.0
Current home : /Users/JBH
Current user : JBH
Current path : /Users/JBH/VHIO/Tests/Test_1
Script dir : /Users/JBH/.nextflow/assets/nf-core/hlatyping
Config Profile : standard,docker
BAM file format detected. Initiate remapping to HLA alleles with yara mapper.
[warm up] executor > local
[6f/389204] Submitted process > make_ot_config
[35/e19dfc] Submitted process > remap_to_hla (1)
[4f/a722ef] Submitted process > run_optitype (1)
[nf-core/hlatyping] Pipeline Complete
WARN: To render the execution DAG in the required format it is required to install Graphviz -- See http://www.graphviz.org for more info.
MacBook-Air-de-Juan:Test_1 JBH$ cd results/
MacBook-Air-de-Juan:results JBH$ ls
Documentation config pipeline_info
The nextflow.log
file is here: nextflow.log
What I'm doing wrong?
Thank you!
apeltzer commented
Please use the newest release and report back:
-r 1.1.4
giovianco commented
It's working! Thanks a lot!