
configbuilder: command not found

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I am using the offline version of hlatyping pipeline, when I run the pipeline using the following command in lsf script I get the error : line 2: configbuilder: command not found

Command used to run the pipeline:
nextflow run /nf-core-Pipelines/nf-core-hlatyping-1.1.5/workflow/ -profile singularity -with-singularity nf-core-Pipelines/nf-core-hlatyping-1.1.5/singularity-images/nf-core-hlatyping-1.1.5.img --singleEnd --bam --reads /exome/HLA-Typing/BAM_Files/*.bam' --fasta Analysis_Tools/Homo_sapiens_NCBI_GRCh38/Homo_sapiens/NCBI/GRCh38/Sequence/WholeGenomeFasta/genome.fa --outdir 'exome/HLA-Typing/BAM_Files/results'


Any help will be appreciated!

Hi, this might be related to Singularity and it might not be able to find the container. Can you make sure that Singularity is working properly?

I guess we can close this due to missing feedback

Looks like a singularity issue indeed