
I can't even start the pipeline

brunohhomem opened this issue · 2 comments

I'm trying to run the pipeline and this error appears all the time...
I alredy tried a lot of things, even running a older version of the code, but this error appears ever...
Can anyone help me please?

blur@epi_lab:~$ sudo nextflow run nf-core/lncpipe -profile docker
N E X T F L O W  ~  version 19.01.0
Launching `nf-core/lncpipe` [chaotic_curran] - revision: 464f015763 [master]
ERROR ~ Process `Run_fastQC` is already define @ line 849, column 17.
           process Run_fastQC {

_nf_script_3896f0c8: 875: Process `Run_afterQC` is already define @ line 875, column 17.
           process Run_afterQC {

_nf_script_3896f0c8: 909: Process `Run_FastP` is already define @ line 909, column 17.
           process Run_FastP {

_nf_script_3896f0c8: 1443: Process `Build_kallisto_index_of_GTF_for_quantification` is already define @ line 1443, column 17.
           process Build_kallisto_index_of_GTF_for_quantification {

_nf_script_3896f0c8: 1460: Process `Run_kallisto_for_quantification` is already define @ line 1460, column 17.
           process Run_kallisto_for_quantification {

_nf_script_3896f0c8: 1582: Process `Run_LncPipeReporter` is already define @ line 1582, column 17.
           process Run_LncPipeReporter {

_nf_script_3896f0c8: 1628: Process `Run_LncPipeReporter_without_Design` is already define @ line 1628, column 17.
           process Run_LncPipeReporter_without_Design {

7 errors

 -- Check '.nextflow.log' file for details

This pipeline is defining multiple times the same process name which is not allowed any more is latest NF version. If you downgrade to a prior version, it should be fine eg.

NXF_VER=18.10.1 nextflow run .. etc 

i have renamed the process names in the dev version