Pre-processing of mass spectrometry-based metabolomics data with quantification and identification based on MS1 and MS2 data.
- 0
Local MGF library
#99 opened by felipe-mansoldo - 0
Indexed mzML input
#95 opened by PayamEmami - 1
Maximum number of CPUs
#94 opened by mvisani - 2
No `` in the docker -- ``
#93 opened by liangyong1991 - 2
URGENT: pin nf-validation version
#83 opened by nvnieuwk - 3
- 16
negative run error
#80 opened by YoujiaMa - 1
C13 detection will always be performed regardless of adduct detection option
#78 opened by PayamEmami - 1
- 2
- 0
Quantification clarification
#79 opened by PayamEmami - 1
Use nf-validation for samplesheet parsing
#70 opened by maxulysse - 1
Add ThermoRawFileParser
#22 opened by PayamEmami - 3
Software in bioconda
#6 opened by ewels - 1
- 1
- 1
Process to create library using MSnbase fails
#48 opened by maxvincent24 - 1
- 1
- 0
- 2