- 8
- 3
ERROR ~ while scanning a simple key
#603 opened by sitems - 1
Split deepvariant pipeline
#614 opened by fa2k - 0
- 1
Empty VCF file fails in genmod score
#613 opened by fa2k - 2
Add option to take a whitelist of variants
#469 opened by jemten - 1
- 5
Test+Docker profile fails: "The TensorFlow library was compiled to use AVX instructions, but these aren't available on your machine."
#590 opened by sitems - 1
- 2
Option to publish GVCFs
#602 opened by sitems - 3
Mismatch with new DNAScope ML model format
#568 opened by Jakob37 - 2
Update CADD to version 1.7
#513 opened by jemten - 1
filter_vep broken with hg38
#599 opened by fellen31 - 2
Add default support for haploid variant calls
#596 opened by jemten - 4
- 3
Stub run (and regular run) crashes on PEDDY
#566 opened by Jakob37 - 1
`vep_plugin_files` listed as optional parameter but pipeline won't run without it
#593 opened by fellen31 - 1
Test+Docker profile fails: "ValueError: `call_variants_outputs` did not pass sanity check."
#592 opened by sitems - 1
publishDir mode missing in raredisease.config for processes FASTQC and CREATE_PEDIGREE_FILE
#583 opened by irliampa - 5
bash: singularity: command not found
#575 opened by hrydbeck - 3
destination filesystem does not support xattrs
#565 opened by hrydbeck - 1
Container for get_chrom_sizes doesn't work
#567 opened by Lucpen - 0
#564 opened by ramprasadn - 5
- 10
#542 opened by fa2k - 2
Error when 'other' is given as gender
#549 opened by sima-r - 1
- 1
- 0
- 1
Nextflow version requirement (documentation)
#539 opened by fa2k - 10
#537 opened by vishramt7 - 2
GATK4_GERMLINECNVCALLER modules don't emit .calls. Should be .cohortcalls or .casecalls?
#535 opened by bnjvrjnke - 2
URGENT: pin nf-validation version
#520 opened by nvnieuwk - 2
Implementation of BWA
#519 opened by lfearnley - 14
manta path error
#480 opened by egenomics - 2
Confirm that the gens workflow works as intended
#494 opened by jemten - 0
Standardize naming of outfiles
#492 opened by jemten - 1
Add Rhocall viz
#496 opened by jemten - 0
- 1
filter_vep options
#498 opened by jemten - 1
- 1
Downsample MT alignment file for IGV
#497 opened by jemten - 1
Chromograph coverage
#495 opened by jemten - 1
update genmod to version 3.8.2
#486 opened by jemten - 0
Save bam files from exapnsionhunter
#493 opened by jemten - 2
Add stubs to FASTP process
#467 opened by Jakob37 - 1
Remove hardcoded platform
#478 opened by jemten - 1
Switch to nf-core version of VEP
#477 opened by jemten - 1
Validate svdb query database input
#473 opened by jemten - 0
Tag each SNVs with the variant caller that was used
#466 opened by jemten