- 1
- 2
- 5
Issue with echo times from dual-echo field maps
#789 opened by levchenkoegor - 2
Add RRID somewhere on docs
#795 opened by asmacdo - 2
Argument list too long
#792 opened by hieukien212 - 1
- 9
#783 opened by WilliamFCB - 9 for heudiconv 0.10.0 incompatible with heudiconv 1.20 (or 1.1.6) ?
#786 opened by WilliamFCB - 0
- 2
ReproIn name for siemens GRE fieldmap? one name in cockpit makes dicoms with two SeriesIds (mag and phase)
#763 opened by WillForan - 0
How are task-....json files created?
#776 opened by Evgeniia-Gapontseva - 0
- 0
- 0
Dicom to BIDS--Manual renaming Help!
#771 opened by s-madhavan - 1
ASL Support
#711 opened by pbbaba - 4
populate_intended_for prefers `task` entity with `CustomAcquisitionLabel` method
#767 opened by octomike - 0
- 1
ORCID for JOSS publication for @toddt
#754 opened by yarikoptic - 0
BOLD_NOT_4D for one particular run (converting both single band and multi band files)
#751 opened by John-Chin - 4
having an option to rerun heuristic instead of reload
#749 opened by dcdace - 1
Skip images that have already been converted instead of throwing an error
#748 opened by ChristianHinge - 1
reproin: might want to change logic for dups to actually use datetime not seq number
#740 opened by yarikoptic - 1
Dicom to Nifti Singularity Conversion Error: numpy.exceptions.AxisError: axis 1 is out of bounds for array of dimension 1
#744 opened by s-madhavan - 1
Add auto-changelog conventions to Contributors guide
#732 opened by asmacdo - 1
[JOSS]: Add more on state of the field
#715 opened by yarikoptic - 2
why release check said it is not needed?
#742 opened by yarikoptic - 1
[JOSS]: Figure 2 - update with fresh data and clarify how data could be refreshed
#714 opened by yarikoptic - 0
Audit custom heuristics tutorial
#738 opened by asmacdo - 2
- 1
[JOSS]: narrate James Kent's tutorial into a "script" tutorial within our documentation
#733 opened by yarikoptic - 1
dicominfo not reporting all information
#700 opened by araikes - 0
- 0
Add/Extend dataset_description.json:GeneratedBy with information about heudiconv/heuristic (if possible)/dcm2niix
#727 opened by yarikoptic - 7
Can't rebuild joss paper
#725 opened by TheChymera - 14
Commandline --command option usage
#707 opened by pbbaba - 4
Failure due to binary incompatibility in Singularity image for Heudiconv 1.0.0
#720 opened by pcamach2 - 0
INFO: Need to process 0 study sessions
#719 opened by zinnc - 2
Issues while building the dockerfile
#712 opened by pbbaba - 2
Conda installation problem
#705 opened by papaya454 - 11
BIDSVersion in data_description.json file
#698 opened by pbbaba - 1
Reading Phase Encoding from JSON into {dir}
#704 opened by amirhusseinab - 0
support dcm2niix "Bidsguess"
#697 opened by yarikoptic - 1
[DOC] Lacking information about heudiconv commands populate-templates etc
#696 opened by askieslinger - 1
- 0
idea: heuristic call back after converting a subject/session or dcm2niix conversion
#692 opened by yarikoptic - 0
idea: Produce a result record from the run
#691 opened by yarikoptic - 1
Issue a warning if there fieldmaps but they were not applied to any sequence
#689 opened by yarikoptic - 0
- 7
assert HEUDICONV_VERSION_JSON_KEY not in json_ AssertionError. XA30 subjects failing conversion.
#687 opened by Noah-Baden - 0