- alfredompBrigham and Women's Hospital
- byeolluxCANLab
- cni-mdLeibniz Institute for Neurobiology
- ddwagnerThe Ohio State University
- dowdleltMaastricht University
- DVSneuroTemple University
- elvandyNational Taiwan University
- farkauGermany
- feilong
- gaoypChina
- gregbltLyon, France
- haililihai
- heqing-psychologyInstitute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Jordan-Theriault
- jpellmanNew York, NY
- kayhan-batmanghelichBoston University
- kchawla-pi
- KevinRamsunderDataminr
- KirstieJane@alan-turing-institute @the-turing-way
- lrq3000GIGA-Consciousness - Coma Science Group - University & Hospital of Liège
- maryammokhberiUniversity of Toronto
- mathesongKarolinska Institutet
- mingrui
- mnarayanPasteur's Quadrant
- neurolabuscColumbia, SC
- neuroumbrageNational Institute of Mental Health
- nicholsnAltos Labs
- NickleDave@vocalpy
- rabbycseIgnite
- saccadicIwate
- sons04
- souravsingh
- ted-strauss-K1Montreal, QC
- torgil01
- WeirdAlchemy
- yonestar