
bfconvert: issue after changing tile size in ome.tiff

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hey everyone. I'm trying to change tile size of OME-TIFF image using bfconvert using following command:
./bftools3/bfconvert -bigtiff -tilex 4096 -tiley 4096 -option BF_MAX_MEM 64g in.ome.tiff out.ome.tiff
After successful command execution I open out.ome.tiff into AVIVATOR( and see black screen(original file opens without issues)
I unsuccessfully tried different tile sizes (from 256 to 8192) and adding -compression LZW
I guess something is wrong with metadata because after extracting OME-XML from both files I found out that MapAnnotation in out.ome.tiff file is missing.
Do you have any ideas why this issue occurs and how I can solve it or what tool I can use as alternative for changing tile size of ome.tiff image

Bfconvert version: 7.2.0
Mac OS: 13.6.1

@alexeykurbako : if the original OME-TIFF had a pyramid of resolutions, you will need to include the -noflat option in the bfconvert command in order to preserve the pyramid structure. Could you please try with that option and let us know if that helps? See for additional documentation.

Also note that -option BF_MAX_MEM 64g is likely not doing what you expect. If you want to allow bfconvert to use up to 64GB of memory, then BF_MAX_MEM=64g bfconvert ... is the correct syntax.